Movie thread

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We watched The Quiet Place and Annihilation last night. Quiet Place was pretty good. Annihilation was a bit strange and left some obvious questions unanswered.  I would recommend the first but not the latter. 

Ended up rewatching both Black Panther and Last Jedi.

The first seemed like such a very succinct storyline whereas the 2nd just kept going and going with so many little substories.

Ended up rewatching both Black Panther and Last Jedi.

The first seemed like such a very succinct storyline whereas the 2nd just kept going and going with so many little substories.
Indeed. And also not really accomplishing much of anything in the grand scheme of things.  <_<

I watched Paparazzi (2014) over the weekend (I had recorded it from cable a while ago and never got around to watching it).  It was billed as a "Death Wish" type of movie.  Not a bad fick actually.  Some brief cameos from recognizable actors added to the entertainment.  Makes we want to rewatch the old Charles Broson Death Wish movies.

suffered through Game Night (-7 stars)

It was one of those movies you want to turn off, but at the same time just want to see how much worse it can get..

mr snick took minisnick to the drive in saturday to watch han solo.  He said it wasn't horrible but wasn't OMG I need to buy it ASAP either.  It's one of those Oh that's why back story sort of movies.  

Incredibles 2 was good.  Don't go in expecting overly much and I think you'll enjoy it a lot more.  There's plenty of hype right before the movie starts. 😕

We saw that this weekend, and it was very enjoyable.

Odd thing - the theater was jam-packed with 18 to 25 year olds, mostly male, active duty soldiers from the nearby Army base. Then I did the math and figured it out - Incredibles 1 came out in 2006, when these guys were to  6 to 13 years old. The Incredibles was probably one of their defining movies. So for them, this was like going to see Star Wars Episode 1 for my generation, after years of waiting for the next installment. (Incredibles 2 is a LOT better than Star Wars Episode I, BTW)

Found an old John Cusack movie I hadn't seen before - Hot Pursuit - and it has a young Ben Stiller playing a slimey deck hand-- terrible movie btw


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^^^ Jerry Stiller.

Some people think he's funny. He is not. Just like his son (both in real life and on Seinfeld).

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I never knew those 2 were related? 

I liked something about Mary but not much other bennstiller stuff 

It also has Ben Stiller's Dad?
I used to like Ben Stiller, but I feel like he's gone the Adam Sandler route, where it's the same damn movie over and over. 

Only Ben Stiller doesn't have a Spanglish in his repertoire that saves him. 

I finally saw Thor Ragnarok. Am I still within the statute of limitations to talk about this one? 

It was enjoyable. Much more Guardians of the Galaxy than other like other Marvel movies. 

We were trying to watch the list of movies to see before Infinity War and we made it through Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, GotG 2, and we were trying to watch Captain America Civil War, but we all fell asleep. Now we've instead found an 18 minute YouTube video that fills in everything we need to know. 

There's a point where Thor gets his haircut and my kid points out that the deacon at our church looks like Thor. 
