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Twin Peaks episode I'm watching now reminds me of:


Ozark starts out fast and keeps the pace up, which is part of why I really like it.  It's nice to see the guy from Arrested Development in a non-comedy role, too.
So for the hell of it, I decided to watch episode 1 and say screw all the rest of what I'm behind on. You weren't kidding. I actually thought it started off a bit slow but boy did it ever gain my attention. And then it's basically non-stop right up until the end of the episode. Crazy.

Just started Criminal Minds.  Will have to check Ozark out when I finish this one off.

Longmire is gonna be finished as soon as they release the last season, it was decent enough overall though.

I never watched Friday Night Lights when it was on so I started watching that to have something to watch, first season was pretty decent but the 2nd you can tell the writers went off kilter (or maybe that was the writers strike year)

Just started Criminal Minds.  Will have to check Ozark out when I finish this one off.

Longmire is gonna be finished as soon as they release the last season, it was decent enough overall though.
I'm glad that someone else on here has watched Longmire. Ferg is a personal acquaintance of mine.

I watched the first two seasons but they just sort of all ran together...

Are they still trying to show that he killed his wifes killer?

I'm glad that someone else on here has watched Longmire. Ferg is a personal acquaintance of mine.
A friend back in Denver is a huge Longmire fanatic. He has autographs from the whole cast, spends his weekends finding places where they filmed, and is always posting pics of himself with the cast.

Twin Peaks episode I'm watching now reminds me of:
What an amazing movie.  Hawk crashing his truck through the front door?  Cinematic perfection.

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I think I read they actually film a lot of Longmire in the New Mexico mountains - probably too damn cold to film winter shots in Wyoming there I guess..

I'll have to check out Longmire.

There's going to be some serious GoT withdrawal about a week from now, need to find a new series.

We're still watching Longmire, it sort of grows on you. We just finished Season 1, but I stand by my initial impression that it's not up to modern TV standards.

Me, my wife and son started watching Ozark over the weekend.  We're almost done with season 1.  Can't say I'm hooked but it's ok.  I like stranger things better.

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Only two episodes in, but not sure how I feel about this latest season of Narcos.

watched the first episode of "little evil"  pretty funny (in a very very dry humor sort of way)

We finished "Longmire" last week. I hereby change my earlier review based on Seasons 1 and 2.  It started to get really good in Season 3, and kept it up until getting slightly ridiculous at the end of Season 5. It will be interesting to see if they can recover in season 6, but it was definitely good viewing. 
