Kids of EB

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So mini-Ram has discovered, via his mom, the joys of Chips Ahoy chocolate chips cookies. He also knows they're in the fridge and that he'll get one if he eats his lunch/dinner so he'll grab your hand and lead you to the fridge saying, "Cookie."

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So mini-Ram has discovered, via his mom, the joys of Chips Ahoy chocolate chips cookies. He also knows they're in the fridge and that he'll get one if he eats his lunch/dinner so he'll grab your hand and lead you to the fridge saying, "Cookie."
good luck with that. Mrs. NJ is already feeding #3 "people food" as she shoves away the slop in a jar that she was eating.

Moving away from the slop was a good feeling...until we realized that he won't just sit there and eat whatever we made for dinner.

Moving away from the slop was a good feeling...until we realized that he won't just sit there and eat whatever we made for dinner.
chicken nuggz and noodles, which conveniently is what the other two eat. works out well. Now I just need to #2 to stop pissing and shitting in his diapers

We're trying to work with mini-Ram on potty training. He thinks his baby potty is just another toy. He's very interested in the big-boy potty instead. I'm looking forward to the day I don't have to buy diapers.

I think chicken nuggets must be a universal kid food - he loves them too.

Moving away from the slop was a good feeling...until we realized that he won't just sit there and eat whatever we made for dinner.
chicken nuggz and noodles, which conveniently is what the other two eat. works out well. Now I just need to #2 to stop pissing and shitting in his diapers



Moving away from the slop was a good feeling...until we realized that he won't just sit there and eat whatever we made for dinner.
chicken nuggz and noodles, which conveniently is what the other two eat. works out well. Now I just need to #2 to stop pissing and shitting in his diapers


if only it were that easy. I've proposed that we make him sit in his piss and shit for at least half the day. Make it feel real uncomfortable. Mrs. NJ has yet to support my proposal.

truthfully, the week between christmas and ny I am off from work and I intend to work with him on it. I plan to do whatever it takes to make it happen

My 3.5 is pretty good at going. We still use pull-ups at night though since he's had a couple of accidents. The only problem is that he doesn't go when he wakes up since he's wearing it. I have to remember to tell him to use the bathroom when he gets up.

So other than the online tips available, what are some things you guys have done that worked well for potty training?

I think what worked best for us was getting rid of the diapers while we were home. We bought him regular underwear and he finally realized that if he didn't go, he was going to get himself wet. We also got him a notebook and a bunch of different stickers and we told him #1 gets you a small sticker and #2 gets you a big sticker. When he went, he was always happy that he was going to get a sticker afterwards. We didn't always wait for him to tell us he needed to go, we would try to take him every couple of hours or so until he figured out when he needed to go.

Taking him every so often is probably key as well as the morning reminders and other "regular times" that he'd likely need to get accustomed to. Many times kids have such focus when playing or doing some other activity that they don't recognize that they have to go until it's too late.

I don't miss those days

I think what worked best for us was getting rid of the diapers while we were home. We bought him regular underwear and he finally realized that if he didn't go, he was going to get himself wet. We also got him a notebook and a bunch of different stickers and we told him #1 gets you a small sticker and #2 gets you a big sticker. When he went, he was always happy that he was going to get a sticker afterwards. We didn't always wait for him to tell us he needed to go, we would try to take him every couple of hours or so until he figured out when he needed to go.
this, coupled with if he didn't starting going in potty he couldn't ride the bus with the big kids to go to preschool. they only take potty trained kids. he wet his underwear i think twice before it stuck...he hates getting dirty. overnight took a little longer but when the pull ups were dry over night for a week we switched to reg underwear and he only had maybe one accident after drinking a lot before bed one time. I still keep those adhesive piddle pads under the sheets on the area he sleeps to make accident cleanup easier.

yes your really have to ditch pull ups and diapers, they don't really realize they are sitting in their own sticky shit until they are wearing only underwear. If you go a week in underwear only and they don't notice to make an attempt to "self potty" they probably are not ready.. its misereable but its worth it.. went through it 3 times..was never any fun!

Peer pressure is pretty powerful. That's what tipped the scales for us- our day care lady stepped in and he was trained in two days.

So other than the online tips available, what are some things you guys have done that worked well for potty training?
Honestly? Daycare.

When we switched daycares, we brought a stack of pull ups for our little girl. Her daycare teacher handed them back to us. She told us to bring her 5 pairs of panties. In 2 weeks, she was potty trained.

Thanks guys, will talk to the missus and get her buy in and try to do this while we're both off on Christmas break.
