Just got my results back after my second attempt...

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Do you have enough of a civil background to take the Civil FE? I know a lot of environmentals go on to do the Civil PE because it's more versatile and easier to get through.

Just make sure you also understand what you are studying. Don't kill yourself for studying too much...don't get burn out

I would suggest 30 mins (max) 5 days a week for 2 months is more than enough for FE...you are just out school under 3 years. ..
Thanks for the advice. I have been going hard all week between studying and work and I can feel myself getting burned out already. I'll take your advice and cut back. It isn't worth trying to relearn and refresh on concepts when I'm tired and it won't stay in my brain :reading: :poop:
how you did? Hope you passed

Hi everyone,

Sorry to keep you hanging. Long story short: I have been studying at least 2 hours daily, 5-6 days per week for the past 3 months. I have gone through the Michael Lindeburgh FE book and done every problem associated with the Environmental FE, twice. I am just finishing up my second round of the Environmental Specific review book by Michael Lindeburgh as well.

I took the next two days off of work to really hone in on the stuff that isn't second nature to me, as well as to take a practice exam or two. I am taking the exam on Saturday (8/29/2015) at 8 AM.

Feeling really good about it this time since I know about 5 times as more now than I did the last time I took the exam.

Any last minute advice? (Test taking strategy, keeping calm, how to prepare the day before, etc) or any input is appreciated.

Thanks! Wish me luck :)

Best of luck!

Hopefully you know the ins and outs of your calculator - this will save you time.

Time wise I tried to split the two sections 50/50. If I didn't know how to solve the problem after I read the question, I moved on.

Use the reference key word search function to your advantage!

The day before I just kicked back and gathered everything I needed to take to the exam. I tried to treat it as a normal day but I didn't sleep at all that night I was so nervous.

Pack a light lunch for your break (nuts, power bars, etc.).

Best of luck!

Hopefully you know the ins and outs of your calculator - this will save you time.

Time wise I tried to split the two sections 50/50. If I didn't know how to solve the problem after I read the question, I moved on.

Use the reference key word search function to your advantage!

The day before I just kicked back and gathered everything I needed to take to the exam. I tried to treat it as a normal day but I didn't sleep at all that night I was so nervous.

Pack a light lunch for your break (nuts, power bars, etc.).

Thanks! For the most part I know the ins - and - outs of my TI-36X Pro, such as basic integration, matrices, vectors, number solver, polysolver, sys-solver, etc. I feel like I don't know how to utilize my calculator 100% though. I tried reading through the user manual but it wasn't too helpful, and all my internet searches pulled were basic calculator use.

It will definitely save time with the math and probability section.

I'm actually really pumped to take the exam this time, where as the first two times I was nervous. I'm actually taking two practice exams today.

Thanks again for the input!

Do you have enough of a civil background to take the Civil FE? I know a lot of environmentals go on to do the Civil PE because it's more versatile and easier to get through.
Not the case in California. Passing three tests isn't easy

Hi everyone,

Sorry to keep you hanging. Long story short: I have been studying at least 2 hours daily, 5-6 days per week for the past 3 months. I have gone through the Michael Lindeburgh FE book and done every problem associated with the Environmental FE, twice. I am just finishing up my second round of the Environmental Specific review book by Michael Lindeburgh as well.

I took the next two days off of work to really hone in on the stuff that isn't second nature to me, as well as to take a practice exam or two. I am taking the exam on Saturday (8/29/2015) at 8 AM.

Feeling really good about it this time since I know about 5 times as more now than I did the last time I took the exam.

Any last minute advice? (Test taking strategy, keeping calm, how to prepare the day before, etc) or any input is appreciated.

Thanks! Wish me luck :)
Best of luck! I took the environmental eit in 2009 when it was still an 8 hour paper exam. It was tough back then and I'm sure it's harder now on the computer. My advice: eat well and stay calm and focused and you'll do great

Thanks everyone.

All is said and done (hopefully) now. Took the exam and I know I aced the first half (52 questions). I kept track of how many I (strongly) thought I answered correctly and there were roughly 40/52 I was confident about. I finished this part in about 2 hours 20 minutes.

The second half was tougher. Even with the extra 20 minutes for this part that I saved from finishing the first half early, I had to guess on about 15 questions and only felt confident about 35-40 of the questions. I ended up running low on time and literally had to guess on those 15.

Hopefully I'm looking at about a 68% - 73% raw score.

All that is left now is to wait for my results I guess.

Thanks everyone.

All is said and done (hopefully) now. Took the exam and I know I aced the first half (52 questions). I kept track of how many I (strongly) thought I answered correctly and there were roughly 40/52 I was confident about. I finished this part in about 2 hours 20 minutes.

The second half was tougher. Even with the extra 20 minutes for this part that I saved from finishing the first half early, I had to guess on about 15 questions and only felt confident about 35-40 of the questions. I ended up running low on time and literally had to guess on those 15.

Hopefully I'm looking at about a 68% - 73% raw score.

All that is left now is to wait for my results I guess.
My guess is u got it.

Congrats! What an awesome feeling it is to get that passing grade. A man was once quoted, "Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats."

One step in the right direction. Now on to the PE!

Hang in there Moodus. I took the FE for the 3rd time in May 2014, and 4th time July 2014 when I finally passed. This was 6 years since graduating college. On my first attempt, I didn't study, and the second attempt was 3 years post-grad and taking a review course (not much additional studying on my own).

When I decided to man up and put the time in to study, I started in December 2013, so basically studied my ass off for 5-6 months. I was very close to passing, but getting that failing grade for the third time just motivated me even more. I basically only finished 90 problems and ran out of time so I had to guess on the last 20. It showed on my diagnostic sheet that I bombed the last 2 sections.

I knew I knew the material fairly well, but needed to get faster and focus on not getting hung up on difficult problems. So for 10 more weeks I continued practice problems over and over again and got faster and more knowledgeable. It paid off when I passed the 4th time.

I used the Lindeburg second edition as well, that had lots of practice problems. I also had a couple discipline specific PPI books that had a bunch of practice problems in it. I did probably 8-10 rounds of all the problems. There was enough practice problems that I didn't really remember doing them between rounds so it was like doing a new problem.

Best of luck, and don't give up!

I have been out of school for a while and I am planning to take the FE Electrical and Computer discipline. I just registered for online class "School of PE" to enable me prepare for the exam. Is there any helpful insight you can give to help me prepare for the exam. And how difficult are the questions for the EE FE?


I have been out of school for 11 years so I dedicated about 6 months studying 4 days out of the week for 2-4 hours. My goal was one subject a week because it was a lot of relearning and teaching myself subjects I never learned in college. Plus I had my family that I couldn't neglect. I then took a 3 weeks off and then 2 weeks right before the exam I went thru all the subject again in the FERM.

I relied mostly on the FERM (problems were more difficult than the exam), did 100 problems out of the 1001 Problems and watched a lot of YouTube. I took EIT Experts 2 years ago and it was a waste of $1000. This discouraged me so I put the exam on hold.

I took the FE Other Disciplines last Saturday and thought I failed. I registered for School of PE and mentally preparing myself to do it all over again. Fortunately I just found out on Wednesday (4 days later) that I passed. I think if you dedicate enough time based on how comfortable you feel about each topic then you should be okay. If an old fogie like me being out of school for over a decade passed, believe that you can pass too. Good luck!

I have been out of school for a while and I am planning to take the FE Electrical and Computer discipline. I just registered for online class "School of PE" to enable me prepare for the exam. Is there any helpful insight you can give to help me prepare for the exam. And how difficult are the questions for the EE FE?



i am a chemical engineer. i have been out from school for two years. can any one guide me that EIT(environmental) is easier or EIT (other discipline ) because someone told me that FE(other discipline ) is a way easier that discipline specific exam.Also can anyone provide me ebooks and review manuals.

Thank you




You might want to start an new thread for your question. (Or search the site as this type of question has been asked before)

But, I'll humor you here.

The Environmental EIT will be easier than the Other Discipline EIT if, and only if, you are more familiar with the majority of the Environmental EIT topics. Back when the EIT was paper and everyone took the same morning, I took and passed the other discipline EIT because the the AM and PM were the same topics. But, that's not the case anymore. You should take the exam that matches your education, experience, and goals. If you have a BS in chemical engineering, you might want to start there. Here is NCEES"s exam specs: http://ncees.org/exams/fe-exam/   

The short of it all, there is no "easy exam!

Good luck.

I passed FE Environmental in the second attempt this month. I did my bachelors in Hydraulics and Hydraulics Structures in Afghanistan. Then, earned my master's in Env eng in the U.S. I had to learn almost half of the FE Environmental subjects for the first time by my own in order to pass this exam.

The only advice I gave you people is, do not give up. If I, a non native english speaker could do it, you can do it too. They say you do not need a lot of english skills in engineering but taking this exam you will realize that you do. There a lot of comprehension skills needed otherwise you won't get any of the econ or ethics questions right.  

Best of luck. 


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