It's Monday!

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Dec 9, 2014
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Only four more days of this shit until the weekend.

Its Monday and I am awake, please respect my privacy during this difficult time.

Same. I brought my whole monitor setup home with me and am now in my basement office.
I'm probably going to have to drive to work later in the evening and pick up all of my personal items and a few miscellaneous essential work items. It may be a while before I'm back in the office for any appreciable period of time.

Not working from home.  The company hasn't mandated that we WFH, only told us we could if we wanted to. I suspect it's because they don't have the infrastructure to have that many people using VPN at once.  
My company is doing the same.

I can't imagine being a CAD user on VPN. It's gonna be rough for them 

Monday strikes again... I&E tech came to work with debilitating back and leg pain (he got in a motorcycle accident 15 years ago and had extensive back surgery - has had occasional problems since).  He had legit tears the whole time he was here.  Sent him to the company nurse to get checked out - unfit for work.  Shit.  No doubt he'll require surgery and be out for six months.  Now I gotta hustle to get a temporary backfill.  F me. 

Monday strikes again... I&E tech came to work with debilitating back and leg pain (he got in a motorcycle accident 15 years ago and had extensive back surgery - has had occasional problems since).  He had legit tears the whole time he was here.  Sent him to the company nurse to get checked out - unfit for work.  Shit.  No doubt he'll require surgery and be out for six months.  Now I gotta hustle to get a temporary backfill.  F me. 
FFFFFAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWKKKKK!!!  Monday is running into Tuesday.  Another of my I&E techs (I have three total, including yesterday's casualty) just told me that he will be resigning in the coming months to move out to Denver for a while.  No real plans, but he wants out of the daily grind and do something he wants (park ranger would be ideal). 

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit 

FFFFFAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWKKKKK!!!  Monday is running into Tuesday.  Another of my I&E techs (I have three total, including yesterday's casualty) just told me that he will be resigning in the coming months to move out to Denver for a while.  No real plans, but he wants out of the daily grind and do something he wants (park ranger would be ideal). 

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit 
Set a bear trap.  They can't leave if they're in a trap.  Tru facts.

But, seriously, I hope this works out for you.  At least they're giving you a bit of a heads up so you can try to put out the fire that is slowly getting bigger and bigger?
