Is Colorado DORA Broken?

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2017
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I'm not even waiting for results, but a couple people I know are and it still pisses me off they can't get their act together. WTF is up with colorado DORA?

Some thoughts to ponder as you go into a rage and nervous breakdown waiting for results:

1.This year the removed having to apply through the state to take the test, you just go directly to NCEES and don't get state approval to take the test and apply for license after test is taken and passed.  

2. Why would Colorado DORA need to release results when they don't even approve you to take the test anymore?

3. I wonder if they didn't remember to figure out how to notify people that they passed because they wouldn't even have a record of you applying to take the test. 

4. If DORA removed them self's from approving the test to be taken why the hell would they need to have anything to do with releasing the results?

5. Also this year the raised the license renewal fee from approx $25.00 to $95.00 because????????????????????????They have less to do now because they don't approve/denying people to take the test??????

6. It would have been great if they removed themselves before I fought them for 13 months (from April 16 to Lat May 17) on getting my experience written in the verbiage they found acceptable (self rant for self-pity). 


Anybody want to stage a sit-in and/or hunger strike?
Thats a great idea, that or sit in the back and crinkle and eat a giant bag of chips and when they ask you to quit being annoying, blurt out ohhhh you don't like that well I guess we have something in common that annoy us...........release the damn results!!!!!!!! I already have my license, but I have a healthy dis-like for Dora and if I were them I would be kind of embarrassed at how bad they are. 

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