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I thought she was five months pregnant. That would put the delivery long after the election.

Those protests that the "anarchists" had yesterday in St. Paul were pretty lame. They only smashed a few windows and tossed crap in the street downtown.

Now when the Gophers win the WCHA hockey tournament, you'll see cars set of fire and mindless destruction. In MN .... hockey>>>RNC.

I don't think the actions of the daughter should have much bearing on how she's perceived. But it is a blow to her platform as being a 'family values' proponent.

I don't see how it is a blow to her family values platform. Every family has their problems and the views of the parents aren't necessarily those of the kids. Unless she somehow promote her daughter to have sex, it is just part of life. I haven't read much about it, but is seems that Palin's message is, "we are glad she isn't having an abortion, she is our daughter and we support her" The scandal would be if she encouraged her daughter to get an abortion.

While I don't think it is that big of deal, I don't understand why you would keep your name in the hat if you just had a baby with downs and a daughter with a baby on the way. I would think you would plenty busy with all of that and don't really have time to campaign/be the VP. Of course at that stage in most people political careers, there is an ego that clouds judgment.

I think the pregnant daughter is pretty much a non-issue. Even Obama basically said it shouldn't be an issue.

Just for comparison sake concerning a VP, their views, and the actions of the daughter:

Look at Dick Cheney. He has always had an outspoken anti-gay rights platform, and surprise: His daughter is outspokenly gay. That didn't seem to be an issue at either election.

"Family Values"

Traditional family is male head of the household =provider - Female = oversee domestics; i.e. household (physical and financial, child-rearing, etc.)

Republican = conservatives

before the hatemail flies, I know times are changing but the tradtional conservative republican isn't necessarily on board with a lot of the changes that these times are bringing. Including support of a brash, take-charge female who maintains a strong community political presence while the youngest member of her brood is home with Downs and her teenager daughter is promiscuous and gets in a family way at 17.

Cheney's daughter was/is an adult making a "life-choice". IMHO, Pailin is going to have difficulty convincing the conservative voters that she can balance obligations to the office and her family at the same time. Republicans can only hope that these conservatives will still stay Republican because they don't want to vote Democrat and at the same time some of the more "liberal" or "on the fence voters" will be swayed by a strong take-charge woman.

Her selection as the VP candidate is certainly an interesting one.

These developments won't help, that's a given, but it's unclear how much they'll hurt.

Republicans can only hope that these conservatives will still stay Republican because they don't want to vote Democrat and at the same time some of the more "liberal" or "on the fence voters" will be swayed by a strong take-charge woman.
I think thats the whole reason for the choice.

She may not be a little angel she is trying to be. She is under investigation by the states prosecutors office in Alaska for having a hand in the firing of a soon-to-be (or already) ex BIL.
dems defend the wife beater?

good luck with that.

Palin's message is, "we are glad she isn't having an abortion, she is our daughter and we support her" The scandal would be if she encouraged her daughter to get an abortion.
Ding Ding Ding.

my thoughts exactly.

Just for comparison sake concerning a VP, their views, and the actions of the daughter:
Look at Dick Cheney. He has always had an outspoken anti-gay rights platform, and surprise: His daughter is outspokenly gay. That didn't seem to be an issue at either election.
Great point.

I don't see this pregnancy as helping by any means, I'm just not sure how much it will really hurt either.

I agree with Obama on this one, it should not be politicized.

Palin also strongly supports abstinence only sex education, which has been shown to be not so effective and now it's not so effective in her own house. I'm interested to see how that plays out.

Of course, I don't have to mention abstinence only to this crowd, based on the answers to the Mother of All Polls...

^^^ Just what are you implying about the morals of the EB.com crowd?

in other news...

Sorry im behind on this thread so Im commenting late.

Why do people think that the choice of prochoice or prolife of a female VP candidate would sway a female vote? Do I really believe that her opinion on that really matters? Is that the most critical issue for me? Is it so important that I would vote for someone I already voted against, and someone NOT female? Youve got to be kidding me. It's one issue and one person in a position of relatively little power. Believe it or not, women do care about more than one issue, and for the majority, roe v wade isnt #1.

(I'm done now. CNN keeps saying this as well and it pisses me off.)

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I realize that the posters here are sharper than the national average. But in Ms Freon's home town in rural Nebraska, a 17-year old with a bun in the oven is not out of the ordinary. Many people in the areas that the "Media Elite" calls "fly-over country" think getting engaged on prom-night; married by the Forth of July and becoming a Mother by the next Mother's Day is normal. The girl just got things out of order! I would chalk it up more to the rural lifestyle they lived in Alaska. I do not think that it will hurt the GOP ticket in the end; but it does set the bar high for respecting the privacy of the canidates family.


Thought this was an interesting thought on the entire "pregnant underage, unwed daughter of a VP candidate:"


Is Sarah Palin the first nominee on a major-party presidential ticket whose daughter got pregnant out of wedlock? Or is she just the first whose daughter didn't get an abortion?
I can't help but chuckle at the irony behind all of the 'Bama-backers openly criticizing McCain for an early "smear campaign," yet they do everything in their power to rip a new one over the pregnancy of a daughter of a VICE presidential candidate.

That being said, I was voting for McCain to begin with, and that won't change because of Palin. On a personal note, I like that she's a gun nut (lifetime NRA member), being that I competed in international style smallbore and air rifle competition for 12 years or so. I'm not a big advocate of the hardcore christian morals or anti-abortion stance (I'm a fairly liberal republican), but I can overlook that.

It was a smart move on McCain's part. Fact is, she MAY persuade some on-the-fence voters to go Republican, and she won't lose/offend any of the existing base. Her younger age/appearance helps to offset the old-cootitude of McCain, and I'd rather stare at her than Hillary any day of the week. Hell, if she were a Clinton, ol' slick Willy probably wouldn't have cheated in the first place!

Hell, if she were a Clinton, ol' slick Willy probably wouldn't have cheated in the first place!
Regardless of her looks, I don't think cheating on a lifetime NRA member would be a very good idea. :D

On a more serious note, I found this column talking about treatment of the daughter. I agree with his point that the children of the candidates are "civilians" and should be left alone unless they run for office or gain from abuse of political power.

Palin also strongly supports abstinence only sex education, which has been shown to be not so effective and now it's not so effective in her own house. I'm interested to see how that plays out.
Of course, I don't have to mention abstinence only to this crowd, based on the answers to the Mother of All Polls...
To be fair, we don't know if the kid was using birth control or not. There are plenty of "Pill babies" and the like running around, born to women from all walks of life, age groups, and marital status - a missed pill, broken rubber, failed IUD, or badly-interpreted calendar can all lead to babies. Nothing is 100% effective, not even surgical sterilization.

A columnist for Time spoke with the principal of the school that Bristol Palin attends, and they have comprehensive sex ed in the curriculum, not abstinence-only. I just don't see Sarah Palin's (admittedly questionable) stance in favor of abstinence only education as being the cause of her daughter's pregnancy. We don't know if the poor girl tried to avoid pregnancy or not, and it's really none of our business.

On a more serious note, I found this column talking about treatment of the daughter. I agree with his point that the children of the candidates are "civilians" and should be left alone unless they run for office or gain from abuse of political power.
Children should be off-limits, especially minor children.
