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Master of the Boondoggle
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
I got a promotion!! :multiplespotting:

The process here is really long. I had to submit a package (a huge binder of all my work and statements of why I deserve it and how my work is relavant) back in August. A panel of senior engineers reviews all the packages and rates them and then they meet to come to a consensus on the score.

So today I had a meeting with the chair of the panel and management to get feedback. It was all very positive. One thing that really stood out is that I got my PE this past year. Of the 6 people applying for a promotion (and it's not competitive), I was the only one with my PE. It's finally starting to pay off.

Whoo HOo!!! :D

Congrats frazil !!! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

I am glad you are being recognized for your work and potential! :thumbs:


That's great news!!! I actually get the feeling just by knowing you here that you're probably quite talented!

probably an OVER-due promotion!


That is great news frazil, congrats! :appl:

you DID use your PE-ness :thumbs:

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Congrats, Frazil!!! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

Congrats Fraz on a what I am sure is a well-deserved recognition of your good work.

:multiplespotting: :th_rockon:


Thanks for the congrats! This means I can flake off the rest of the day, right?

Nice! I guess This means I'm buying you a drink later. :party-smiley-048:
Huh? In the military, it's always the one that gets the promotion that has to pay for the party. The rule-of-thumb is the promotee should spend the monthly differential.

Huh? In the military, it's always the one that gets the promotion that has to pay for the party. The rule-of-thumb is the promotee should spend the monthly differential.
That's very true - the one and only semester I was in graduate school at University of Florida, I was taking a Public Works Engineering Course. More than half of my class was NAVFAC officers working towards thier MS degree + looking for an O4+ billet. One of the guys was notified in mid-semester that his promotion came through and he did buy (drinks+appetizers) after class.

Being that I was still of the enlisted guy mentality back then I thought it was mighty big of them to invite me along. :D


Nice job Fraz!!! Of course if you needed to impress them you could have just told them about your post count on EB. That would have really made you look good.

^They did mention that my participation in engineering societies and organizational networking was another boost, and that I should keep it up.

"Yes, sir!" :thumbs:

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