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Hey Road Guy,

I just checked the map and you are only 136 miles from NCEES's headquarters. Do you think you could drive over there today and slap the shit out of them for us???

Gas.......................................... $45

Good bitch slapping gloves ........ $15

Satisfaction we will all feel ......... Priceless!

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probably cant squeeze it in today, but maybe if they dont come by next Wednesday? :lol:

who's vero beach?

My grandparents lived there (until their death)

used to spend a lot of time down there in the summer.

I am Vero Beach and yes, there are many Retirees here. Vero is located on the boundary of the Treasure Coast and Central Florida. I went to UCF (University of Central Florida) so I prefer to say I live in Central Florida. :true:

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i dont recall which beach, but we used to swim out to the shipwreck (the one you could see at low tide) when I was a kid( well teenager).

when we finally got dive certifications we would dive down and grab some lobster from the hull of the ship and grandma would boil them for us.

it was good times(well as good a time as you can have being 15 and staying with your grandparents for spring break) but good times none the less.

I am Vero Beach and yes, there are many Retirees here. Vero is located on the boundary of the Treasure Coast and Central Florida. I went to UCF (University of Central Florida) so I prefer to say I live in Central Florida. :true:
If you went to UCF then why in the hell do you have the UM avatar?!?!? Trader!!! :kick:

I Have been a Hurricane Fan since 1984 but the school cost $25K+ a year to attend. :bow: I grew up in Miami as-well, but proud to say I will never move back.

Escaped in 1996.

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I don't blame you for not wanting to move back.....anything south of Stuart sucks IMO. Too much flash for me.....I guess I'm just too simple and don't have any desire to surrounded by bling bling. When did you go to UCF? I got out of there in the Fall of 99.

I would not call it Flash, I would call it Northern Havana. Nobody speaks English and worse, nobody can drive down there.

I graduated in 2001 but started when you were leaving. I transfered from Miami Dade Community College in 1999. You missed the new Engineering School, so did I BTW. It opened up in the Fall of 2001.

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I did miss the classes being held in it but I didn't miss the construction :kick: Trying to concentrate on a Thermo lecture while they're ripping the pavement up with a jackhammer and backhoe sucked ass. I've been through it multiple times's SWEET. I'm very close friends with the owners of Wackadoo's (used to be called LOCO'S) so I'm in Orlando and on campus a lot during the year.....especially around football season. Small world!!
