Free Cell Phones for the Poor

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What's wrong with that? It's part of the deceleration of independence right?

Something, something, something, they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of free cell phones for low income households.

That's how it goes, no?

The process to qualify for Lifeline Service depends on the State you live in. In general, you may qualify if...
You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid.
"If the government already gives you free shit, then here...take this too!"

^Sooner or later, "Joe Sixpack" is going to have his attention ripped away from American Idol by the drain on his paycheck. It's going to keep rolling on until that happens.

I disagree. I see this as the frog in the pot, Joe being the frog, the imperial federal government being the asshole in charge of the stove. If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, he'll jump right out. But if you slowly turn up the heat, that little bastard will sit in said pot of water till he cooks to death. That's exactly the way this is going to go. People won't wake up. We're past of the point of having a population intelligent enough to see what is happening, either that, or are so stupid they actually want what is happening to occur.

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I don't know why everyone is getting their panties in a bunch. Cable TV, internet, cell phones, healthcare, housing, those are all rights. Says so right there in the the bill of to the right to bear arms and freedom of the press.

I don't know why everyone is getting their panties in a bunch. Cable TV, internet, cell phones, healthcare, housing, those are all rights. Says so right there in the the bill of to the right to bear arms and freedom of the press.
Isn't it part of that 'pursuit of happiness' clause?


I'm someone who doesn't have a cellphone, because it's not a cost I care to justify. Once again I feel like a slacker with my job and paying my bills and budgeting...

Oklahoma hands out free cable television with their Section 8 housing.
Years ago I delivered pizza part time. Part of my delivery area was 100% Section 8 housing and also the lowest income zip code in the state which, ironically, shared a border with the highest income zip code in the state.

Peering into homes of welfare recipients was a bit of a shock. Most, if not all, had HDTV's, the newest xbox or playstation, and a $40K new Lincoln or Cadillac in the driveway of a $20K house. No wonder bars are on all the windows; not so they are certain to die in a fire, but to protect all their toys.

I quickly learned that poor people have screwed up priorities and I'm paying for it.

EDIT: and yes, no orders went out to the 'hood after about the 6th of the month. They had already blown through their monthly dole by then and resorted to writing bad checks for pizza (assuming we hadn't refused checks from them due to collection fees).

I don't know what the point is of this legislation, most welfare people probably already have cell phones and nice ones at that.

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I'm someone who doesn't have a cellphone, because it's not a cost I care to justify. Once again I feel like a slacker with my job and paying my bills and budgeting...
aren't you important enough to get one from your employer? j/k

At our place everyone gets one so you have no place to hide if they want to find you.

We get them as well. Mine's sitting in a drawer at home, still in the original packaging.

I'm not important or in the field enough to get calls. And I have unlimited mobile to mobile with my wife under our plan, and she is the one calling 95% of the time anyway, so I'd lose that carrying the other one around.
