Exam Results

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I personally think the results will come before Christmas Eve; more like Tuesday or Wednesday. Just my opinion and nothing to base it on. :)

Wishing the emails would go out today!!!

I personally think the results will come before Christmas Eve; more like Tuesday or Wednesday. Just my opinion and nothing to base it on. :)
Wishing the emails would go out today!!!
Agree with Kathy!! This week!!!

It seems to me that if they have released the Surveying results the PE results should not be that far behind. Were the Surveying results given by MY NCEES?
No, the only surveying results that I've seen were from the individual boards. I am waiting on the PS exam from Arizona, which uses direct notification through My NCEES.
I received my PS results today (GA-MyNCEES direct notification) and a friend of mine received his as well ( :wv: -MyNCEES direct notification). Another friend is waiting for results from OH (not sure how they report) who hasn't received his yet.

If the results are not released by the 22nd, I dont expect the Kentucky board to send out the results by postal mail untill Jan 3rd as their website states that their board office is closed on the 23rd,24th,30th and 31st of December unless "MY NCEES" can directly indicate the results.

Hopefully "My NCEES" should show whether you have passed or not. Cant wait any more longer.

I know it's hard to be patient, but you have a choice: You can be impatient and obsessed and drive yourselves crazy, or you can try to find a distraction to maybe help keep your sanity.

I've been there. The support I had here saved my sanity. Not that I'm really sane, but ... :)

Don't you guys have something to go stamp? Quit making fun of us PE-nessly challenged... ;)

I know it's hard to be patient, but you have a choice: You can be impatient and obsessed and drive yourselves crazy, or you can try to find a distraction to maybe help keep your sanity. I've been there. The support I had here saved my sanity. Not that I'm really sane, but ... :)
I'm thinking I may take up drinking! Wait, I'm already there. Darn it.

Hey guys this time the results will bew delivery after new year. :sharkattack:

Moderation... ?
I'm trying my best to moderate these threads Mary... but reading this many threads with all sorts of speculation on cut scores, release dates, and the size of the pass versus fail attachments in an email is causing me to drink without any moderation!

Moderation... ?
I'm trying my best to moderate these threads Mary... but reading this many threads with all sorts of speculation on cut scores, release dates, and the size of the pass versus fail attachments in an email is causing me to drink without any moderation!

Cut scores? who said anything about cut scores? Crap! One more thing to worry about!!
