EES states

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Not the point Paul, we need to get focused on a study plan if we are reapplying.

I think they are just getting pissed off that everyone is contacting them...but at the end of the day, we need to know as the deadline for applying for the PE exam is coming up.
Does knowing when you are going to get your results change anything at all regarding the re-application deadline? No, it does not. The results will be released when they're released, and the only potential impact contacting them repeatedly will have will be to slow the process down. If results are not available before the reapplication deadline, I'm sure there will be an extension...

I'm just as anxious as the next person to know my results, the only difference is that I realize that the only thing accomplished by "making sure they know I'm watching them" will be to distract and delay their daily operations... I don't blame her for getting short with people and pissed off. I would too if I were in her position.

If she or EES were competent, we'd have results already and this discussion would be a moot point! Patience is a virtue I don't have -- if other entities were able to do it, EES should get in the game or throw in the towel. How about we get our results when eveyone else does and you wait too open yours until California gets there if you are that patient!

Those are states that have to "approve" the results or choose to send the results directly after receiving from ELSES. PA and CT both received results directly from EES. The only people to blame are NCEES or EES -- the only hands that touch the results. Our states are to blame for not allowing email notification, but EES is to blame for being slow and incompetent with the mailings.

If she or EES were competent, we'd have results already and this discussion would be a moot point! Patience is a virtue I don't have -- if other entities were able to do it, EES should get in the game or throw in the towel. How about we get our results when eveyone else does and you wait too open yours until California gets there if you are that patient!
Whoa, I never said I was patient, I'm just reasonable... You are making claims about them taking too long and it being unreasonable, but yet you don't really know what they have to do. I'm sure there are certain procedures they have to follow to ensure that all candidates results are processed in the same manner and that everyone receives the correct letters. I guess you'd be much happier with them just flying through the processing of the results, and sending out a "pass" letter to you, and then have to tell you later that they messed up and you actually failed, right? I mean, hey, at least you'd have gotten your results quickly, right!

I don't know why it takes so long, but I do know that they can't be expected to get results out at the same time as ELSES because they have to wait to get the results from ELSES. And, some ELSES states haven't gotten their results yet either, and if we believe that EES has started sending out results today, then they are ahead of ELSES in some instances as far as processing time goes.

As others have said, if you have a problem with PA using EES rather than ELSES, that's fine, contact the state board and submit your complaints with them and try to get them to change for the future, but constantly bitching and moaning about it and repeatedly contacting EES isn't doing a damned thing to get your results to you any sooner.

And do you really think that the people at EES give a rat's ass that you're "watching them"? Do you really think this poses some kind of "scare tactic" or something to urge them to get the results processed more quickly? Get real man.

This just in from CT Depatment of Consumer Protection


Please advised that I just found out that the land surveyor results went out on 6/16/09. The PE results will be going out today. Don't worry about the July 1st deadline date, since you would be a Rexam candidate and would need to reschedule from August 1st up to September 1st.



From: John

Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 12:40 PM

To: Syp, Barbara

Subject: Re apply for PE exam

The deadline to re-apply for the PE exam is July 1st. I still have not received results yet. Will there be a new deadline?

Results come to EES directly from NCEES, not ELSES. ELSES is simply another company like EES, just more competent. The states that haven't heard from ELSES are states that require board approval or actually mail the results directly after receiving them from EES.

Results come to EES directly from NCEES, not ELSES. ELSES is simply another company like EES, just more competent. The states that haven't heard from ELSES are states that require board approval or actually mail the results directly after receiving them from EES.
ELSES is an affiliate of, and essentially a sub-group of NCEES. ELSES was formed by NCEES. There are links to each on the other's website. EES, by comparison, is part of a completely independent third party consulting firm that privdes various licensing and examination processing services. So, while you are correct that I misspoke when I said that EES gets the results from ELSES as they do indeed come from NCEES, ELSES is much more closely affiliated with NCEES than EES, and in fact, NCEES and ELSES even share the same physical address of 280 Seneca Creek Rd, Clemson, SC 29633. So, ELSES is a bit more than "simply just another company like EES"...

But never let facts get in the way of a good opinion.

I have seen people telling that because of result delay they will have less time to study if they fail..... But come on, we all knew it would take this long before we gave exams. It was pretty clear that it will take 10-12 weeks.

Also historically we have received results at similar times as this time I do not see any extra delay this time.

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If she or EES were competent, we'd have results already and this discussion would be a moot point! Patience is a virtue I don't have -- if other entities were able to do it, EES should get in the game or throw in the towel. How about we get our results when eveyone else does and you wait too open yours until California gets there if you are that patient!
With this attitude, if I were in charge, you'd get your results dead last. I wouldn't be suprised if this is in fact the outcome, seeing how much you've bothered them.

With this attitude, if I were in charge, you'd get your results dead last. I wouldn't be suprised if this is in fact the outcome, seeing how much you've bothered them.
But that wouldn't change the fact that they are incompetent!!

Yours would me next to last.
Honestly, I don't care about my results. I know I'll pass. However, the fact that EES and its coordinators have been giving cryptic answers (and rude) is what annoyed me. Had they provided me with a polite and a tentative date for our results, I wouldn't have bothered them again. Some clients ask me about their projects all the time but I am never rude with them. In a way, I believe, we are EES' customers and they should be able to provide us with satisfactory answers or at least put a message on their website.

Honestly, I don't care about my results. I know I'll pass. However, the fact that EES and its coordinators have been giving cryptic answers (and rude) is what annoyed me. Had they provided me with a polite and a tentative date for our results, I wouldn't have bothered them again. Some clients ask me about their projects all the time but I am never rude with them. In a way, I believe, we are EES' customers and they should be able to provide us with satisfactory answers or at least put a message on their website.
*bold is mine.

If you believe that, you are wrong. We are not EES' customers, we are their data. EES provided a tentative date - 10 to 12 weeks from when the exam is administered, and they've given multiple polite responses to the various people. You didn't like their tentative date though, so you dismiss it. When they have given additional tentative timelines (within the next 2 weeks, for example) you dismiss them as "cryptic" and/or "rude" because you think we should get more precise answers and sooner dates... Well, as the song says, "you can't always get what you want"
