Do I need a myspace page??

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Perhaps a myspace page isn't necessary, unless ........




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My wife was making fun of me since I didn't have a Facebook acct. All of her friends (online and whatnot) seem to be on there and it does help her keep in touch, post pics, etc. that they may be interested in.

So, I signed up and ended up finding 2 friends from college that I lost touch with. It's amazing to see these people you haven't spoken to in 12 years, and they're married with 3 kids.

Has anyone else's view of these online networking sites changed in the last year?

Has anyone else's view of these online networking sites changed in the last year?
I never would have known about my 10-yr high school reunion if it weren't for my Facebook account. I think it's pretty funny that I have more "friends" on Facebook than I do in real life.

I have to say yes. I have recently gotten a Facebook account, and like you, have gotten in touch with friends that I have not seen in years. So it's been pretty cool to catch up with them.

And viewing family pictures is nice too.

I recently just joined myspace... found a couple of guys I was friends with in HS on there.

Otherwise linkedin is about it for me (I gave Plaxo a shot, but didn't care for it too much).

^^ yeah I get an email about every other day saying that you connected with a dozen people or so at a time....

^^ Ditto about Plaxo - I haven't like it and don't notice anybody that I am in touch with using it either.

I am split between the fucntionality of MySpace and FaceBook - I have accounts on both. I have noticed more friend networking (for myself) on FaceBook, whereas MySpace seems to foster the I am out looking for the hook-up sorta thing ... :2cents:


Holy Jebus! I'm in there too! It's pretty incomplete and does not list me as working for any particular employer, but it does have articles within the past 6 months... Weird.
Me three - it even pulled an action photo off our website that I guess was tagged with my name.

Big brother lives!

I never would have known about my 10-yr high school reunion if it weren't for my Facebook account. I think it's pretty funny that I have more "friends" on Facebook than I do in real life.
My high school class is planning our 10 year reunion via Facebook. I've reconnected with a lot of friends from high school and college, thanks to Facebook.

I have no use for Myspace anymore...I haven't been there in at least a year.

I thought you had to have a school email to get a facebook account?

My 20 year is coming up, I looked up everyone I went to high school with (on myspace) and didnt recognize anyone, I was like, who are all these old people?????

I thought you had to have a school email to get a facebook account?
Nah...they opened it up to everybody several years ago. There was a big, public outcry against it because they said that sexual predators would prowl for schoolchildren if it were opened up. In order to join a school group on Facebook, you have to have an email address from that school, and to add a friend, they have to add you back. It's marginally more secure than MySpace.

I thought you had to have a school email to get a facebook account?
My 20 year is coming up, I looked up everyone I went to high school with (on myspace) and didnt recognize anyone, I was like, who are all these old people?????
My 20 year was last month but I didn't get to go. Fortunately they put a buttload of pictures on Classmates (NEVER sign up for a paid account - but it is free to browse!) so I could check everybody out. (somewhat) like you, My thoughts were "everybody looks SO old - and fat! I don't look like that, do I?"

In typical fashion some of the girls who looked fantastic now were the ones who nobody paid attention to back then, while the head cheerleader and other "mean girls" seem to have really let themselves go.

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^My 10-year reunion was last month. It was badly done as they didn't even give out nametags. So how the hell was I supposed to recognize someone I had 2 classes with one year after 10 years of aging and a cloudy memory on my part.

Anyway back on point, the girls that looked the most recognizable were the ones who were overly made up, elaborate hair, fake tan, etc. Basically the ones that looked like plastic then look like plastic now.

My 10 yr reunion is at the end of the month. I'm not going bc we will be in Hawaii, but they used to plan the party. The website lets you post a message with your reply, so I was able to read mini updates about those who aren't going for one reason or another. It was kind of pricey too...$55/person for only appetizers and drinks (beer and wine). It is at a rather crappy place in town too...a banquet hall attached to a bar. It was a really nice place when we were younger (family restaurant and hall) but it got bought out turned into a countrywestern bar and went down hill fast.

After the ten year one, I decided not to go to anymore reunions. I don't like the people any more than I did back then.

And my 25 year is next year. :eek:ldtimer:

The default on the myspace profile says that you are single... good thing I filled that out and changed that info before my wife found it!

I didnt make my 10 year, but I do want to attend the 20 year (just to see the Prom Queen Fat, the nerds all rich with trophy wives, etc) I was sort of an in the middle person "on the BS- High School status scale" so I hope that means nothing too cruel will happen to me between now and then....

Dude, I married the Homecoming Queen, and I took her back to her 10 year reunion all FAT!!!! She was 2 weeks from delivering my son. LOL

Actually, she only gained 17 lbs with the pregnancy, and he weighed 8lbs, so FAT might be an exageration.
