Countdown to Star Wars

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I know I'm behind, but we just saw Rogue One.  We all really liked it.  Unlike episode 7, they really put some thought into the plot.  Mrs Goodal pointed out that, unlike the original episodes, the dialog was very contemporary in places (Blind ninja: "You've got to be kidding me. You know I'm blind right?).  But really I have no complaints.  I liked that they had to kill every body off (other than a few fighter pilots) because they didn't appear in the next (previous?) films rather than have some miraculous rescue.  The Senator chick looked alot like the original.  Was she CG too or did she just age really well?

I know I'm behind, but we just saw Rogue One.  We all really liked it.  Unlike episode 7, they really put some thought into the plot.  Mrs Goodal pointed out that, unlike the original episodes, the dialog was very contemporary in places (Blind ninja: "You've got to be kidding me. You know I'm blind right?).  But really I have no complaints.  I liked that they had to kill every body off (other than a few fighter pilots) because they didn't appear in the next (previous?) films rather than have some miraculous rescue.  The Senator chick looked alot like the original.  Was she CG too or did she just age really well?
She was a new actress who just happens to look like the woman from the 70's. I kinda thought the same thing at first. Just a case of a really good casting director.

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Agree!  It was a great movie.  And, IMO, was everything The Force Awakens should have been, but wasn't.

Ok then.  Can't help you there.  I don't need to re-watch the first three to know I like Rogue One better than Force Awakens, as I have a good portion of the dialogue from them memorized.

And you are certainly entitled to your incorrect opinion. I can definitely ascertain your lack of understanding of the Star Wars universe. Move along...

Nerd fight, nerd fight!!


Kylo Ren is terrible - almost as bad as jar jar and Hayden Christensen combined. It's like they try too hard to come up with a villain. When scary old dude and dude in mask and raspy voice usually work...

I can't say roque one was any better but it wasn't any worse than force awakens - neither of these movies are going to have a lot of "re watch" power...

I.E. they are no empire strikes back

Spoken like a true Star Trek fan.

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