Corona Spam Thread??

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HA.  If I want to get a job in Queens I'd just give my sister a call.  She's a chief in NYSDOH and has already been nudging me about being a PE w/ legionella experience and her having positions.  Oddly, I'm making more money staying in Indy right now.
Ok fine, then refer me! I kill the Legionella all day, every day ovah hea. :rotflmao:

Ok fine, then refer me! I kill the Legionella all day, every day ovah hea. :rotflmao:
If you're serious, send me your resume.  I can forward it over to my sister and see if she has the positions still open?  I know she first was bugging me literally right after I left NY in September of last year.  I mean, they're not going to say no to a PE.

 Purchasing  office would not issue task on contract because minority subcontracting goal not being met.

It is the first task under the new option term, literally no money has been spent.

This aint rocket surgery people.

And I was actually getting technical engineering work done earlier. 🙂


I got half of it done by COB. The other half is going to take all the time though. I'm reviewing a draft report for a major deliverable.... most of it a OBE and needs a major update. And it looks like it was written by committee (because it was).

It should have been done by Friday morning. But I only got it COB Friday. Today became Meeting Monday, so I barely touched it. Tomorrow and Wednesday look worse.

I got half of it done by COB. The other half is going to take all the time though. I'm reviewing a draft report for a major deliverable.... most of it a OBE and needs a major update. And it looks like it was written by committee (because it was).

It should have been done by Friday morning. But I only got it COB Friday. Today became Meeting Monday, so I barely touched it. Tomorrow and Wednesday look worse.
I gave up trying to be caught up years ago.  Now it is just less behind but even that is a challenge

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