Construction depth exam

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Dec 4, 2009
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Greeting All,

I would like to ask about the Construction depth exam in terms of difficulty? Does it need a work experience in construction or I can prepare for it from scratch? Are there good books published to cover this exam? Please advice. Thanks!

You can do it with little construction experience, I would look through the posts for answeres to your other question, been asked and answered many times in detail.

^I disagree. When I took the test in April of 09 I thought that the problems were very experience based. If you have been working in a traditional design firm you will not do well on this test. It is geared for construction engineers who have worked in the field with large general contractors or government agencies.

^I disagree. When I took the test in April of 09 I thought that the problems were very experience based. If you have been working in a traditional design firm you will not do well on this test. It is geared for construction engineers who have worked in the field with large general contractors or government agencies.

I have seen some people be able to dig through several references to try to get a handle on what this test is about. It is possible to pass this way, but very difficult as the references are typically well known by those with the experience to use them (similar to the HCM for transportation). Do not think this test is the "easy" depth, especially if you don't have much experience with it. There is another section on this website (which includes a "sticky" on references) dedicated to this depth here:

I would have to disagree as well, I am an environmental engineer that had very limited construction experience and no experience on government or large projects and I took the test and passed. As with all the sections having experience is a great advantage, but since the water resources did not include environmental I had to make a choice. It takes alot of study and focus on the outline of requirments but you can study your way to construction excelence.

As dexman says this is a tough exam but the calculations are not difficult but the range of topics is pretty broad.


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