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Seismic. I can move up a position at work once I get my license soooooo...... I am wearing out the F5 key. haha 
Same here, I work at the government and having my license will definitely offer a promotion.  In my case, I failed the 8 hr twice, so i'm going to retake it in April 2018, but seismic and surveying I took for the first time this past cycle, I feel better about those than I did for the 8 hr, so fingers crossed something works out in my favor.

Same here, I work at the government and having my license will definitely offer a promotion.  In my case, I failed the 8 hr twice, so i'm going to retake it in April 2018, but seismic and surveying I took for the first time this past cycle, I feel better about those than I did for the 8 hr, so fingers crossed something works out in my favor.
Gottcha.... well good luck!!!!!!

The wait has been better this week. Last week I thought release was imminent until learning Thursday that it takes several additional days. 
