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good luck guys... I have to get out of here to avoid traffic.... Hopefully I do not cause an accident refreshing my email....

I used the Mansour study book and practice exams and found it very useful. I also used the PPI book, but was less impressed. I'm a structures designer so the surveying part was definitely my struggle. 
Structures for me as well. I passed the ncees and seismic first time around but surveying is killing me

Maybe, they're sending emails to everyone who took BOTH tests first?

*grasping at straws*
"Okay guys, who do we send results to next?"


Do you think we will receive all emails before 5:00 p.m The BPELS office closes at 5:00 P.M. Are they individually sending out these emails, or is it automated.

Do you think we will receive all emails before 5:00 p.m The BPELS office closes at 5:00 P.M. Are they individually sending out these emails, or is it automated.
No.  Last cycle many people got the second email well past 7pm PST.

Can anyone recommend study materials for surveying that have similar problems to the actual test
Do the NCEES sample test 3 weeks before the exam. Brush up on shortfalls based on weak areas showing up.

Study materials -

Become familiar with the online reference material posted on NCEES website. Print this and use while solving practice problems, thus becoming familiar where to look fast for formulae during exam.

Do problems after you get good grasp of subject matter using texts, other authors etc. 1001 Problems by Van Sickle covers a lot of ground. But there is no substitute for a good foundation on all the areas listed in the NCEES exam Specs. I would look at the specs and develop a study plan allocating time based on needs - your current knowledge/shortfalls vis-a-vis where you should be come exam time.

The old Carnegie Hall adage: Practice, Practice, Practice



Finally! finally finally finally!!! This was an emotional roller coaster ride for me. And I just wish my grandma was here today to share with the celebration.

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