Budget Request Time

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
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acquiring satelites...
It's budget request time at our office and I struggle, because we're supposed to have a list of stuff so big, there's room to cut. I must admit I don't dream very big.

What are the standard items you request for the budget?

You get to request things from the budget?!?!?!? Gotta love those cushy gov't jobs. We're told not even to bother asking for anything. I feel lucky if they don't take something away.

I put a chair on there. Fancied the idea of putting a tablet computer of some kind on there, just to watch our program managers head explode. It's the balance of what I really want vs. what I'll be surprised to get.

And pssh to cushy gov't jobs...it's a feel good exercise. This year is my first out-of-state training since 2007.

A food court and place for recreation *says to boss* "...the guys at google have 'em, and look how successful they are."

And pssh to cushy gov't jobs...it's a feel good exercise. This year is my first out-of-state training since 2007.
This year is my first out of state trip since 2005, so there! :p

I ran out of post-its. I wonder if I can go steal some.

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The one out of state training course I was supposed to take in like 2003 we had to cancel because we hadn't gotten the approval yet. THe Yes you can go arrived at 10:30 AM on the morning the training started at 8AM.

You're just now making the budget for 2012?!? Damn. It's company policy for us to have it made in AUGUST of the PREVIOUS YEAR! Then, once everything goes to sh*t, our asses are still held over the fire for making the wrong decisions. <_<

I would guess it's her budget time for 2013. My company will start the budget process for next year in a week or so. August sounds kind of late.

We're budgeting for 2013. We've been burning 2012 money since October 2011. We finalize the budget for the year in July.


I still don't quite understand how we're supposed to have a crystal ball for huge cost impacts and exact timing. For us, it's equipment overhaul jobs that get pushed and pulled between years that screws us over.

Our budget is slashed in July every year, because every year we are over budget by then.

Then in December we try to spend money like crazy because we are under budget.

It's like clockwork, every year. And people wonder why I don't have much respect for project managers or management in general.

We had to hurry and buy $5000 worth of office stuff this past September, after pinching pennies all year long.

Our office budget is different than our projects budget. I'd hazard it's pretty easy to stay within the office budget, with exception of keeping up with vehicles that are crashed/give up the ghost.
