Anderson Cooper is Gay.

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I dont understand the methodolgy behind the gay/lesbian agenda of wanting to be accepted as normal people and not freaks.... and then take a look at your average PRIDE parade, and what do you see? Freaks! Dudes in a bikini and a set of wings running around the street...If you dont beleieve me and are brave enough search on the internet for gay pride parade and take a look for yourself...

I think the movement would go much further and better if during the PRIDE parades the gay / lesbian community wore there work attire for the parade, nurse outfits, business attire, fireman uniforms, etc, etc, I think it would send a totally different message...

But Im with Andrew Dice Clay on this one, 10% off vaseline, now get back in the closet! ;)

^^Sounds like you should google some burning man fest. Hedero people like to act like freaks too, cuase deep down we're all a little hippy and zaney.

Albinos tho... albinos are freaks, and those emo vampires things.

I see what RG is saying because there are similar events here in the Milwaukee area. Basically in the summer there is some type of fest (ethnic, calendar, etc.) every weekend. One of the is "Pride Fest". And most stay away from that one exactly because of what RG described. It's really not appropriate for children and adults don't necessarily care to look at those things either.

EDIT: to add to PBR's post, I also don't deny that straight people can act like freaks too.

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Road Guy, I believe you are missing the point. I am not gay or lesbian, but I don't believe they want to be accepted as "normal people" they want to be accepted as who they are.

Imagine living most of your adult life behind closed doors, which most gays do, it cannot be easy...I cut people some slack for that.

As for the costumes, it is what it is, what does what a person wearing affect me? It is a fine line to start dictating what a group wears -obviously gay men tend to flaunt a different style of sexuality and they want you to be aware of it. Actually in the case of many lesbians, I notice a completely different tact.

As far as life in the northeast and specifically in and around Boston, I can say that "acceptance" is not an issue. Much like racism there really is no "threat". The vast a majority of people will "live and let live". there will always be the radical (re:ignorant) individuals and groups factor that will be haters but they are the minority.

Instead these individuals are fighting for the same benefits given to traditional married folks and families. It's all about the money. As far as the flamboyant demonstrators "Pride" revelers, They're just the in-your-face extremists that every group has. It's just these people wear brighter colors.

I also don't see how anyone can be "proud" of their sexual orientation. "Not ashamed" i can understand but "proud" I don't get.

It sounds like RG doesn't know any gay people personally, or at least none that he's aware of. People don't live their lives like a gay pride parade, just like (most) people don't live life like it's Burning Man.

I also don't see how anyone can be "proud" of their sexual orientation. "Not ashamed" i can understand but "proud" I don't get.
Pride can be a healthy reaction to other people's harsh judgment.

Road Guy, I believe you are missing the point. I am not gay or lesbian, but I don't believe they want to be accepted as "normal people" they want to be accepted as who they are.

Imagine living most of your adult life behind closed doors, which most gays do, it cannot be easy...I cut people some slack for that.

As for the costumes, it is what it is, what does what a person wearing affect me? It is a fine line to start dictating what a group wears -obviously gay men tend to flaunt a different style of sexuality and they want you to be aware of it. Actually in the case of many lesbians, I notice a completely different tact.
Just curious (and no I'm not trying to start a debate)... but how will you respond to your kids when they ask why a man is wearing a bikini and wings?

Just curious (and no I'm not trying to start a debate)... but how will you respond to your kids when they ask why a man is wearing a bikini and wings?
parades are like halloween...people get dressed up in costumes and walk around and are excited about something that is important to them

Road Guy, I believe you are missing the point. I am not gay or lesbian, but I don't believe they want to be accepted as "normal people" they want to be accepted as who they are.

Imagine living most of your adult life behind closed doors, which most gays do, it cannot be easy...I cut people some slack for that.

As for the costumes, it is what it is, what does what a person wearing affect me? It is a fine line to start dictating what a group wears -obviously gay men tend to flaunt a different style of sexuality and they want you to be aware of it. Actually in the case of many lesbians, I notice a completely different tact.
Just curious (and no I'm not trying to start a debate)... but how will you respond to your kids when they ask why a man is wearing a bikini and wings?
I will tell him it is a costume. If he asks further I will tell him that my interpretation of his costume is that it is an expression of his sexuality. He might be confused by it, and I will tell him for the most part so am I.

And no I don't care what age he is when he asks I will answer the question as accurately as possible. My partner is a nurse she feels the same way.

I believe the problem most parents have telling their kids the truth about sex is that they start with small lies (the stork) then it becomes uncomfortable for them to discuss honestly because they have to admit to lying to them for a decade or so and you both now know it.

My parents are also nurses. For that reason, I learned about where babies came from when I was 3.

Parades are excuses for people to act like idiots. I saw part of a gay pride parade, as the route was in my way of where I wanted to go. Yeah, it's over the top, but not much different than St. Patrick's Day, Columbus Day, or the Yankees or Lakers or whomever winning the big one. The gay and lesbian folks I hung out with were pretty much regular folks, with some different genital preferences in the bedroom. Oh well.

I've worked with tons of gay folk, the ones I know just wanted to be seen as normal people..

I once drove my wife and a bunch of her male gay nurse friends around to a bunch of gay bars in Atlanta till 4 am... I've seen more than I care too to be honest...

Gay pride and the type of in-your-face behavior that comes with it is all about supporting the Democratic Party with money and votes. The Dems have a long history of creating a victimhood and an "us vs them" mentality. They point to past injustices and tell everyone that nothing has changed since then, people believe them, get a chip on their shoulder and join a cause that does little more than act as fundraising/lobbying for the Democratic Party. They do this with race, religion, gender, economic class, workers unions and now sexual preference.

The latest example of this is President Obama's sudden reversal on his stance against gay marriage. As soon as he changed his position a huge amount of money flowed into his re-election warchest. On a side note, his sudden reversal begs the question - if gay marriage is in fact a fundamental right, why did he not support earlier? Was he prejudiced against gay people or did he feel that their civil rights were less important than his own political career at that time?
