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Well AK results are not officially in bfor me anyway. But looking at teh state websirte thaey have updated the list of registered engineers adn I am not on the list. I know at least one of the people is a guy I use to work with. So I think I will be getting a Failed Letter here soon :beerchug: Its not official but I am pretty sure I did not make teh cut. Bummed out here. I know was close I guess not enough. Took the Civil Transpo. I will post my diagnostic report when I get it.

We might as well start analyzing these things see is we can approximate the cut off score. Congrads to all that passed....

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Thanks guys, I still don't have a letter saying I failed but I am not optimistic at all. I actually studied for the April exam and its a bit of a bummer. I know if my suspicions are true I failed due to lack of references and not knowing how do do the work. IF there is a next time I am going to build a better reference setup and buy ALL the references on the NCEES list. Hopefully I am wrong, but that is not likely.

I WAS WRONG!!!! MOVE ME TO THE PASSED COLUMN. Just check the state website and my name popped up with my number I am a PE in the State of AK.. Now to apply for reciprocity in the State of WA. :brickwall: :mail-296: :brickwall:

Congrats North, that sounds like quite a roller coaster you've been on the past few days..

Congrats north!

So did you sit for the exam in AK because it was easier to be admitted than in WA? Like some deadline that passed or some technicality in the application somewhere?

Congrats north!
So did you sit for the exam in AK because it was easier to be admitted than in WA? Like some deadline that passed or some technicality in the application somewhere?

I lived in Alaska until March of 2005. I was approved for and scheduled to take the PE exam in April 2006. But changed jobs and moved to WA in March. At that time Alaska was not an ELSES state and I could postpone the exam so I did. Instead of going through the entire process of getting approved to sit for a WA PE, I opted to just sit for the AK PE and apply for the WA PE through reciprocity.

In retrospect that was the best choice. A friend of mine's wife is trying to get approved to sit for the WA PE and the WA application is 10 times the pain in the ass that the Alaska application was. So the hard part is over no more 8 hour exams!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!

I WAS WRONG!!!! MOVE ME TO THE PASSED COLUMN. Just check the state website and my name popped up with my number I am a PE in the State of AK.. Now to apply for reciprocity in the State of WA. :pASSED2: :brickwall: :multiplespotting:
Congrats North!! You got yourself all worked up over nothing (calling you on it because I do the same type of stuff...)

Thanks everyone, I did jump the gun on it I admit it. But AK is not a very populous stste so when I saw the posting I was sure I was not on the list. Looking back at it I should have checked a little later last night. I am sure I Was on there last night. I forgot I am an hour ahead on AK down in WA now. Whoops ..

Now the only problem is I am at peak unproductivity since I found out....

Thanks everyone, I did jump the gun on it I admit it. But AK is not a very populous stste so when I saw the posting I was sure I was not on the list. Looking back at it I should have checked a little later last night. I am sure I Was on there last night. I forgot I am an hour ahead on AK down in WA now. Whoops ..
Now the only problem is I am at peak unproductivity since I found out....
Congratulations! Nice to see that AK gets their results before CO................
