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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. S

    Can a technician job lead to engineering job?

    If you start out as a substation technician, can that lead to a substation engineer job after 2-3 years? I have a BSET and EIT but no experience in power distribution, seems these days they're all looking for experienced engineers.
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    systems engineer

    I got offered a marine systems engineer job with ee background. It doesn't sound too technical but more project management.. Would this be a good career path for someone that is in his early 30s? what's the outlook like with navy systems engineering? any insight would be appreciated!
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    Any Project Managers in here?

    Anyone here work as project managers? How did you get into this position? Is it something you will be doing 10 years down the line?
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    Working Overseas

    It seems there are almost no jobs for entry level engineers and most engineering jobs require 5+ years of experience.. However I am seeing some opportunity for overseas work.. My question is, do overseas experience(With US firm) still help in the long run? Anyone recommend this route? Anyone...
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    WANTED previous NCEES Power sample exam book

    I am looking for previous revisions of the NCEES Power section practice exam. 2000-2008 versions. Anyone here willing to sell it? Thanks, Soobin
  6. S

    NCEES FE electrical afternooon sample book The above link is the description of the book ($43 after they add $8 :smileyballs: S/H charge) I bought it March 17 2010. Perfect condition, no markings. Save $10 if you want to, it is exact same one as you would get from them...
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    What is the application for some of these PE Licenses?

    Looking at NCEES website, they offer 25 different tests for the PE license. I dont understand what some of them are for. Since my specialty is electrical, I thought the only relevant thing you need a PE for is for power. Can you have a computer engineer PE stamp an electrical power lay out...
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    Will my experience count for PE at all?

    Hi, I recently passed the April FE exam in NJ and would like to get PE license next.. The problem is that I currently work in a consumer electronics company as a component engineer. I've been here for a bit over 4 years now. I have a engineering technology degree which means I have to have 6...
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    Reference material

    I am slated to take the FE and plan on taking EE afternoon in NJ this April. Is the provided reference book printed double sided or single sided? Also, is General afternoon exam easier than the EE for an EE major 5 years after graduation? I see lots of mechanical material in the general which...