Results From October SE?

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I dunno, after two attempts I don't know what is next. If I was younger I would leave this field for something different. I cannot imagine a way to be any more prepared than I was this time. It is an enormous commitment for a "competency" exam in which so much is riding on passing it. I wish I chose a different path; I certainly do not encourage anyone to enter this field.
I understand what you mean (and agree it should not come down to luck of the draw if you know your stuff), so I offer you (and anyone else considering taking the SE exam) my thoughts; the exam is brutal (a little too much IMO) but it also means that if you pass this you should be respected as an engineer who is on-top of their game. The extreme difficulty adds distinction to someone calling themselves an SE in my mind. I highly doubt there are many license exams in the professional world harder than than the SE exam. I took the exam in a region that doesn't require an SE precisely because of this extreme challenge.

When I finally passed the SE exam I felt that I had learned just as much from studying for the SE exam as I had in college. I also felt that the SE exam had exposed me to many more things that I just hadn't fully learned in daily work. It was what truly allowed me to personally feel confident going out in the world and stating, "I am a structural engineer!"

I know it doesn't help with your immediate goals, but each time you work toward the SE is 6 months of effort to making yourself a better structural engineer. I spent 2 years working on the exam and it was brutal, but when I finally passed it was the sweetest feeling. Think of how many PDH hours or meetings or college courses we take that do nothing for us professionally. This time is not wasted, whether you pass or not.

So, with that, take a break to regroup. Figure out what you need to do differently this time around. Don't just do the same thing over again as it clearly didn't work. Try to mix things up and re-engage yourself so you can get back on the horse 100% motivated. You're so close, it would be a shame to quit now.

Unfortunately I did not pass second time around, I am really bummed, put hopeful. The sad part is that I knew my stuff but could not illustrate it to the grader for the afternoon. I will have to do it again and I have to come up with a way to tackle the afternoon this time. My morning was 30/40 and afternoon was IR,IR,U,A


I needed a break on this exam. This past year has been a nightmare after a nightmare. Each time my studying was interrupted by personal disasters. In the spring it was my grandmother passing away 3 weeks before the exam. This fall it was my son being born 15 weeks premature a month before the exam and spending every moment i wasn't sleeping or working, studying or in the hospital. I was praying that this exam would go easy on me. But as per usual, The exam was designed to hurt, break, and punish you for your career choice, and it certainly did that.

Now all that is left is the waiting in Connecticut, but i'm really not holding my breath. Who knows maybe I got lucky and the exam grader was kind.

Unfortunately I did not pass second time around, I am really bummed, put hopeful. The sad part is that I knew my stuff but could not illustrate it to the grader for the afternoon. I will have to do it again and I have to come up with a way to tackle the afternoon this time. My morning was 30/40 and afternoon was IR,IR,U,A

Sounds like we were comparably close for lateral bldgs.  Such a bummer right? I was 28/40; A,A,U,IR.  That 3rd problem (General Analy) was awful, I kept flipping back and forth trying to get it straight in my mind; I went from Acceptable in the Spring to Unacceptable in the Fall on it, how does that happen?!

I needed a break on this exam. This past year has been a nightmare after a nightmare. Each time my studying was interrupted by personal disasters. In the spring it was my grandmother passing away 3 weeks before the exam. This fall it was my son being born 15 weeks premature a month before the exam and spending every moment i wasn't sleeping or working, studying or in the hospital. I was praying that this exam would go easy on me. But as per usual, The exam was designed to hurt, break, and punish you for your career choice, and it certainly did that.

Now all that is left is the waiting in Connecticut, but i'm really not holding my breath. Who knows maybe I got lucky and the exam grader was kind.
When you eventually pass this exam, it will be crazy to look back and think about what you were able to overcome on your road to SE.

When you eventually pass this exam, it will be crazy to look back and think about what you were able to overcome on your road to SE.

Edit: That being said, I wrote all of the stuff down that I knew how to do. It's awesome that got me far enough to get the credit on that stupid general analysis problem.


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Passed both first attempt. Logged over 400 hours study, 2 practice exams, 1000+ worked problems. Total study 3 months. 38 years young with 2-year old. Congrats to all who passed and for those who have not—study hard, commit and you will pass, I know it.



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Edit: That being said, I wrote all of the stuff down that I knew how to do. It's awesome that got me far enough to get the credit on that stupid general analysis problem.

View attachment 12427
This is the greatest "I Passed!" story I have ever heard.  Congratulations Rick!  

I understand what you mean (and agree it should not come down to luck of the draw if you know your stuff), so I offer you (and anyone else considering taking the SE exam) my thoughts; the exam is brutal (a little too much IMO) but it also means that if you pass this you should be respected as an engineer who is on-top of their game. The extreme difficulty adds distinction to someone calling themselves an SE in my mind. I highly doubt there are many license exams in the professional world harder than than the SE exam. I took the exam in a region that doesn't require an SE precisely because of this extreme challenge.

When I finally passed the SE exam I felt that I had learned just as much from studying for the SE exam as I had in college. I also felt that the SE exam had exposed me to many more things that I just hadn't fully learned in daily work. It was what truly allowed me to personally feel confident going out in the world and stating, "I am a structural engineer!"

I know it doesn't help with your immediate goals, but each time you work toward the SE is 6 months of effort to making yourself a better structural engineer. I spent 2 years working on the exam and it was brutal, but when I finally passed it was the sweetest feeling. Think of how many PDH hours or meetings or college courses we take that do nothing for us professionally. This time is not wasted, whether you pass or not.

So, with that, take a break to regroup. Figure out what you need to do differently this time around. Don't just do the same thing over again as it clearly didn't work. Try to mix things up and re-engage yourself so you can get back on the horse 100% motivated. You're so close, it would be a shame to quit now.
For those of you that did not good news this week, see above from TehMightyEngineer. This is THE MOST DIFFICULT of any NCEES exam, so do not beat yourself up if you did not pass. For those that did pass, Congratulations! 

I'm happy to say that, after about 440 total hours of review, two administrations of the exam, and a year of hell for my family, friends, and lack of ability to travel for work or vacation - I passed both parts of SE buildings exam. 

Thank you to @David Connor, SE for your reaffirmation of how close I came to passing last April. Thank you for the wonderful bridge book which helped me focus those skills for passing the lateral AM exam. Thank you to everyone on these boards who puts it all out there for us to learn from and share experiences, good, bad, happy and sad. If it weren't for the satire and good people here, I think I might have gone insane at some point over the past year. And thank you to PPI instructors who gave so much energy to helping us all learn how to conquer this monster of an exam. 

For anyone who didn't pass, don't quit. Hone those skills and get back out there for another administration! 

I hadn't realized David was the author of the bridge book. After working that book I wasn't nervous about the AASHTO problems, although I did save them to the end of each morning session ;). I also used an earlier edition of AASHTO and did not seem to be a problem...

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Roses are red, violets aren’t blue
It’s amazing the pain that you put me through
I pay for your test, I studied so hard
“Unacceptable” you say! My psyche is scarred.
But surely, I think, the next time’s the charm?
Learn from my mistakes, ok what’s the harm?
With each failed attempt, it’s less likely I’ll pass
The tears I have shed, ‘twould surprise you, their mass.
I did what I could, bought your practice exam.
“Accurate practice”…we both know it’s a sham.

But oh well what’s the point, I’ll pay you again.
Each consecutive fail like a kick to the shin.
Don’t worry some say, this is what’s life’s like!
You fall, stand up tall, and get back on the bike.
But this is quite different, I sardonically say
These graders—with my emotions they play
They trick me and fool me in every way
What did I do wrong? No one can tell
Frustration so strong, it could make me yell.

But my dear friends that’s the end of this rhyme
Sorry that reading it took so much time.
NCEES there’s still time, for us to be friends
A simple, succinct and fair way to make amends.
In April when you see my dear test
Just put “acceptable”, let’s agree, it’d be best.

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When you eventually pass this exam, it will be crazy to look back and think about what you were able to overcome on your road to SE.
Yes sir. I am thinking of what to do next. The good news is that I did not see any problems that were new to me even if I did not answer them correct, so I don't know what the plan is, but there will be one that will get this slight off to the finish line. I have to.....

Sounds like we were comparably close for lateral bldgs.  Such a bummer right? I was 28/40; A,A,U,IR.  That 3rd problem (General Analy) was awful, I kept flipping back and forth trying to get it straight in my mind; I went from Acceptable in the Spring to Unacceptable in the Fall on it, how does that happen?!
Yes, sir, I have to come up with a new plan to tackle this test. Pray that we get it done next time 
