Erection day

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Spammer Emeritus
Nov 5, 2006
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It's already election day out here in the Pacific, across the dateline. Or "erection day" as my Japanese friends call it.

We don't get to vote for president out here (they do on Guam, though - I think). But we are, for the first time in our history, voting for an official "non-voting delegate" to the US Congress. The Dems gave us that as a consolation earlier this year, in exchange for tearing away our ability to contorl our own immigration and labor.

So it's pretty hilarious - Nine poeple are running for this one position. I think maybe only 2 of them are serious, the rest just want the Congressman's salary and budget, and to live in the mainland for two years.

Anyhow, I figured I'd start a thread for voting stories. I haven't voted yet, but I went to get some cash at the Shell station, and one of the (more dubious) NVD candidates pulled in and demanded to have his truck "filled up". Maybe he owns the station or something, but it didn't look like it. It looked more like he was just trying to throw his weight around (he's a sitting senator in our local legislature).

I'll vote in the morning before meeting the guys for coffee at my local Sheetz.

I've never waited in line before (unless one in front of me is a line), so I'm sure it will be uneventful.

In honor of the name of this thread, I expect a story from JR on Wednesday.

Just to kick things off, I'll post a story that one of my buddies posted to another forum right after he voted in the 2004 election. He lives in Columbus, OH and was attending OSU for his Masters at the time.

Total of 8 hours and 40 minutes.Following are the highlights of the day.

I took the morning off of work because I had a test to take at 1:30 and figured I could do a little studying. I showed up to the polls at 8:30 and began to wait in line. By 12:30, I was frantically trying to call my professor because I still had an estimated 2 hour wait to vote. I couldn't get hold of him, so I left the line in order to take a test.

The test was the hardest test I have ever taken.

I got back in line at the polls at 3:30 and I called up work and told them I wouldn't be in for the afternoon, or maybe even the next day.

At approximately 5:30, I ran home (live 1 block away from the polling place) and grabbed a case of beer. I was a hero for 15 minutes until the polling officials said "No beer" because we were in an elementary school.

At approximately 5:45, I took the beer home.

At approximately 8:00, I was fifth in line for the polls. A black lady in front of me started raising a stink because her name was not on the rolls. She started pulling out the race card and how Republicans try to put the black people down. A poll worker checked the rolls of the precinct right next to mine and found her name. The dumb b!tch got in the wrong line and whenever the poll workers walked by to verify the precinct status of citizens she never thought to check her registration card (which she did throw in the polling officials face when told her name was not on the rolls).

At approximately 8:05, I wanted to bash the stupid b!tches head in with a pole.

At approximately 8:06, I forgot about the stupid b!tch because it was my turn to sign in. I gave them my registration card and stood in the line immediately in front of the booths.

At 8:10, I pushed the vote button. Since we were using electronic machines, a loud beeping sound eminated when someone pushed the vote button. Once I heard that sound, I threw up my hands, opened the curtain and yelled "I won!!" The poll worker recognized my feat and gave me the sticker which I proudly wore for the remainder of the night.

At 8:12, I got back home and proudly drank a beer. The beer was a Coors Light, but it tasted like freedom.
will starbucks hurt or help my erection?

I voted a while back, very uneventful, I will spend the rest of erection day deciding which Cayman bank I will transfer my cash to :D

^^ Caymen sounds like a much better plan than burying it in coffee cans in the back yard.

Cayman isn't as tight lipped as it used to be, if you catch my drift. Might try Belize.

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Had a pretty uneventful voting experience this morning. Showed up at the town hall around 6:55, polls opened at 7. We were out by 7:15.

The ballot was pretty tight here. Just vote for the candidates and 3 referendums. Nothing like in Vermont where the ballot was 3 or 4 pages long and had stupid questions like, "Should the Town allocate $100 to support the efforts of the local Friends of Gardening Club?"

I guess it really varies by precinct/town. A woman at work who lives in the next town over had lines around the block.

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I was planning on going after work and I was hoping that all the people that voted early would help minimize the lines today. It doesn't look like it has. This picture was taken of a polling place in my county, fortunately not my location.


I am really hoping things clear up by 4pm this afternoon. I've never had to wait more then 15 minutes to vote before, so I am not looking forward to the prospect of a multi-hour wait in line. :(

Roadwreck: Thats about the size of the line I waited in for early voting here in Houston, and it only took between 1/2 hour and 45 mins. Depends a lot on what format its in, though.

Fortunately I was in and out in 20 mins.
That's NOT what she said.

I had to wait behind about 6 people. The longest line I've ever been in to vote. So big turnout in my area too.

In the comment box at the bottom, I wrote: "REDISTRIBUTE THIS!"

(there is no comment box)

My voting experience was uneventful. Got there, found my ward and precint, waited 30 seconds for the line (one person in front of me), got my ballot, did my duty. Total time: approximately 5 minutes.

They did have one of the streets closed by my polling place though. Had to take an alternate route turning left into heavy traffic on my motorcycle--but I managed it without becoming roadkill.

The sad thing is that I fully expect Hillary to kick off her "2012" campaign on Thursday!
On the way to the polls this morning, my wife and I were wondering how long it would take for someone to form an exploratory committee into 2012. I just want this to be over.

If Hillary ran again I'd strongly consider her. I was initially in her camp this year.
