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I cannot believe that it has been 7 months to the day that I excitedly announced the arrival of our little girl. Here she is now.

My two young ins

3rd on the way still.....

(and they both have Dad's eyes)

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Yeah, I am.

Now, I'm not sure if the nanny is ready to stay for an infant, and my wife must be 'emotional' or something because she is 10x worse than her normal hormone crazy self.

... and my wife must be 'emotional' or something because she is 10x worse than her normal hormone crazy self.
I can relate. Of course, I'm not pregnant now, but I remember the good ol' days. I think the back porch makes a good temporary escape.

^^ I hung with the Cap'n the last two evenings. True Story.

I was at a conference though, so was to be expected.


She's absolutely adorable! :)


They are lucky to have your eyes! Hang in there with the mood swings .... just remember people get frustrated and angry. And it Stuart Smalley's parlance ... that's okay. :D


Adorable Ktulu! Makes me want Carson to be able to sit up like that so we can have pictures too. Oh, he learned how to smile this week, still haven't been fast enough to get a good picture though.

Dvinny, those are nice pictures, glamor shots I guess?

One of the funniest photo sessions I ever did with my daughters was for a Christmas card. I did many years of personal cards with their pic on front in Santa hats. The one that was so funny was when the younger daughter was 2 1/2. She didn't "get" what she was supposed to do. Or maybe she did and she was pushing our buttons. I took 2 rolls (72 shots) of them and got a couple good ones. Most of them were either somebody moving or looking away. But, there were some really funny ones, too. The funniest is a perfect smile on my older daughter's face and a perfect pout on my younger daughter's face. Good ol' days.

Ktulu, what a beautiful baby!

Mr. Bug and I can't wait to have one of our own...it gets harder and harder to wait as time goes on. The cute kids in this thread are NOT helping matters any, either. ;) Quick, someone tell a horror story about a diaper blowout or a kid who insists on waking up for the day at 4 AM.

OK, you asked. This is the horror story that parents do not want to think about. But, if you are prepared to face this, you are prepared to be a parent.

This happened years ago. Our 4-year old daughter came to our bedroom and woke us up at 2 a.m. to tell us that she was sick and had thrown up. "In the bed?" "Yes, and the floor." We went to her room and found that projectile vomiting had covered the bed, the floor, the wall, and anything in the path.

... About 2 hours later, after wetting and shop-vaccing the carpet, washing the walls, laundering the bedding and clothes, and throwing out some of the "not worth it" stuff, we went back to bed.

I have another story about a diaper incident if you want to hear it.

When my daughter was 3, she came into my bed at about 4am saying that her "TUMMY HURT", my wife was 8 months pregnant for my son and had to stay away from this one.

So as soon as she came crawling up the middle of out bed, she projectile vomited all over me. I grabbed her and ran to the bathroom with her, during that trip, she vomitted on my carpet, then the floor of the bathroom, then all over the toilet seat, back of toilet, and floor all around the toilet.

While trying to clean it all, the vomit smell finally got to me, and I started blowing chunks myself due to smelling it. I never made it back to sleep that morning because it was a several hour clean up detail.


^^^Not yet, but I know my time is coming. I just hope that I can get mini-Buff into the bathroom/shower before the projectile vomiting occurs. I have not had a blowout happen to me yet, but my wife was changing a diaper, and mini-Buff decided it was time to shart while the diaper was off. It ended up on the wall, the changing table, and in my wife's hair! Luckily, I was away at the office.
