Florida License Numbers

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May 24, 2018
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Passed the exam in Florida. Have reached out to the board to get a time frame regarding the issuing of license numbers with no success. Has anyone received a license number yet or know how long it has taken in previous exam cycles? Thanks 

I searched previous years forums looks like Florida is one of the slowest states to issue them. Based on posts in the Oct 2017 and April 2017 expect it to take about 30 days

I passed the April 2016 exam in FL, found out the result May 19th, and received my number just before June 15th. I immediately ordered my seal and embosser, then it took another two weeks to get the 11x17 paper certificate (which was folded into my mailbox).

They were in no rush. The good news is at least you passed and don't have to wait another six months..

I had emailed NCEES before my result on a different matter, and in her response she mentioned the #'s will be issued in "the middle of June"

The NCEES website shows that I have passed the exam, however under the FL Licensing Portal - View Application Status I still show Deficient for "Modifier and Exam History Match" and "Civil". Both of these fields were last updated in January when the board approved me application to sit for the exam. Is this still the case for others?

What is the last updated date?  Mine says this as well, but hasn't been updated since December...

So if you go to the FBPE website==> NCEES Exam information==>Principles and Practice (PE) Exam - PASS (at the bottom), the following is stated:

" The Board will initiate the final steps for licensing you as a professional engineer. The process of entering the scores, assigning license numbers, and issuing the license card and wall certificate takes eight to 10 weeks. You may check the status of your license by visiting http://www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/ to access the licensure database of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation or by email at [email protected]. Once your record reflects a license number, your wallet card and wall certificate will follow. "

Relax. They will get to it. As one person stated in 2016 they got their number in about 30 days, the rest followed later.


My modifier and discipline codes also show "deficient". They will get to it when they get to it.

Spoke with the FBPE today and was told that they have submitted all information for passing examinees to the DBPR and that we are now just waiting on them to enter it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the two Florida systems worked together…. I can’t wait to have my license so I can change my signature and job title!

Same here. . . they are plugging in < 10 licenses a day in no particular order or pattern. . . some days they don't enter any in.  they are at #85148 right now. I wonder if calling the DBPR and requesting your information be submitted early would help...

Sent an email to the DBPR using their contact page, but just ended up getting a response from the same person I spoke to at the FBPE, this time just saying it typically takes 4 to 6 weeks to issue the license numbers (from when FBPE receives the scores).

in what world does it take a full day to enter 10 data sets?

this should all be done in a day or two, tops.


Now at #85164...but if you look none of the recent are FL residents so I imagine these are all endorsement licenses.

The FBPE posted the following information about a phishing scam, just to give other Floridians a heads up:

Professional Engineers licensed in Florida may have received an email earlier today with the subject line "INFORMATION FOR LICENSEE" that was supposedly sent from the Florida Board of Professional Engineers. The email was not sent by FBPE, but was likely an attempt to get your personal information. We recommended that you delete the email and the attached PDF immediately. We are looking into the source of the email. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
