yup, this looks about right

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So why do people humanize dogs? I like dogs, they are useful, kind, and excellent protectors of people and property and way nicer to be around vs. cats (opinion). I would never buy a burial plot for one at a pet cemetery though...

I am a hillbilly farm boy so please enlighten me to the ways of the rest of the world...

Seriously, I'm not trying to be a jerk with my question. I would get very upset if I saw someone making an animal suffer; probably to the point where I would be saying "see how you like it..." but having lost some pets in the past, we got new ones and moved on. We have never dressed up any pets and they have all slept outside.

Never dressed any of them up for real (though we once put a t-shirt on the small dog just to be funny), but they don't sleep outside (they do not sleep in the bedroom either though)... personally, I don't have kids and the animals are my family.
