yup, this looks about right

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NJmike PE

Game Czar
May 17, 2013
Reaction score

"He is nice and knocked out on the floor for you," the father told the 911 dispatcher. "I drug him out to the living room."
When officers arrived, they found Raymond Frolander motionless on the living room floor. He had several knots on his face and was bleeding from the mouth.

I'm pretty sure this is exactly how this would go down If I found a creep messing with my kids like this douche.

When asked by the 911 dispatcher if any weapons were involved, the father said "my foot and my fist."

The father has not been charged with any crime.

"Dad was acting like a dad. I don't see anything we should charge the dad with," Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said. "You have an 18-year-old who has clearly picked his target, groomed his target and had sex with the victim multiple times."
Kids lucky to be alive, period!

He'll get what's really coming to him when he gets to the big house.

He would probably be in several pieces in the ditch across the street if that was me. Glad the dad isn't facing charges. It actually surprises me hes not.

Kids lucky to be alive, period!

He'll get what's really coming to him when he gets to the big house.
You're absolutely right. That's the code amongst thieves. No kids. Never touch kids
Not so much as it used to be I don't think... even thieves have lost their code for the most part in order to follow the rules of their own gangs. I am surprised by how much support vigilantes seem to garner from the members of this board.

^^^ I'm pretty sure you would shoot me in the face if you came outside to discover me kicking your dog.

^^^ I'm pretty sure you would shoot me in the face if you came outside to discover me kicking your dog.

nope- probably in a region lower that would cause a greater long lasting pain...

honestly though- I doubt I would ever discover you kicking my dog they are quite the survivalists on their own

If I EVER saw someone kicking, hitting, teasing, or otherwise partaking in any activity deemed inappropriate towards my precious puppies, I would unleash such a fury upon them, that even the most talented combination of oral and rectal surgeons would be unable to extract my laces from their teeth, or the entirety of my foot and leg from their ass.

Google confirms - such a thing as board-certified colorectal surgeons.

just checking. I expected Matt to be the one with real knowledge on the topic due to the many unfortunate gerbil accidents

So why do people humanize dogs? I like dogs, they are useful, kind, and excellent protectors of people and property and way nicer to be around vs. cats (opinion). I would never buy a burial plot for one at a pet cemetery though...

I am a hillbilly farm boy so please enlighten me to the ways of the rest of the world...

Seriously, I'm not trying to be a jerk with my question. I would get very upset if I saw someone making an animal suffer; probably to the point where I would be saying "see how you like it..." but having lost some pets in the past, we got new ones and moved on. We have never dressed up any pets and they have all slept outside.
