I took the exam in Oct 06, and the night before Clemson played VT in Blacksburg. I had Tivo'd the game, and my biggest fear was that I would accidently overhear people talking about it either before the game or during lunch, and I would find out the score before I could go home and watch it. (We got hammered, by the way.) It happened, before they opened the test room doors in the morning I heard two guys out in the lobby mention we got creamed. In retrospect, this may have been all for the best, because I didn't worry about it during the exam time, and just went home, deleted the game from the Tivo, and then went to my Wife's restaurant and got hammered.
As far as the actual exam went, I really didn't have any fears. The exam was in town, I left with more than enough time to get there, and I had read the instructions on calculators, pencils, etc. What I was amazed at was how many people brought the wrong type of calculators or raised their hands when they asked if anyone had a cell phone. I mean, it takes about 2 minutes to read through the test day rules.