Wrong-way driver warning system by using water

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Oct 21, 2016
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Seems like it would be an maintenance nightmare, especially in parts of the county with cold and snowy winters. I can't imagine road salt/sand would be good for the nozzles. I also can't see City's and Town's actually spending the money to maintain pumps.

I maybe mistaken, but I believe a lot of the wrong way drivers here in this part of the country are:

  1. Drunk or on drugs - won't notice a wall of water
  2. Trying to outrun the police - won't care about the wall of water
  3. Elderly Driver who gets confused - will be confused by the wall of water
I am not sure if a a water warning system will be of any value in these situations.  A wall of water that actually disables the vehicle would be of better value.

Unfortunately I think one of the few things that would work is the same system in place for parking garages using spikes if you go the wrong way. My question for the water warning is how does the sensor know which direction the vehicle is traveling? I am just guessing a two point sensor is required (the order each is activated determines if the spray operates) either by a second sign or weight sensors built into the ground. You might want to think along the lines of a solar powered strobe light to get their attention and removing the high maintenance requirement. My cent and a half worth.  
