Would I survive a nuclear strike?

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
I'd be good to go. Not even a Tsar expended on populations of 100K would get me.


Of course, fallout might be another problem.

Considering that I live near the initial warning radar site (within 100 miles) and it would be a primary target; I may survive the blast, but won't survive the fallout should it get hit.

With the other three military installations (including an interceptor missile site) that would also be targets, I doubt I have much chance of survival should the response systems fail and all installations get hit. Should the response systems succeed; I'd be all set. I have older vehicles that are computer less and would easily survive the EMP.

Edit - I don't need an App or program to tell me in the long run that I'd be screwed should a blast occur... I chose where I live, it is I that will deal with the consequences.

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Dead, anytime something hits cities of 100k or more. Doesn't matter if it's a small or huge nuke; both home and work are well within the blast radius either way.

I think I might live long enough to say "What was that really bright flash?" Oddly enough, I'm ok with that.

It would take the largest bombs to take me out, but I'm sure I'd die a horrible death from radiation poisoning. Maybe they'll miss their target and I'll get taken out in the initial blast.

Yeah, I think the Minuteman level strike is a lot more likely to happen. I think they built just one Tsar and that was decades ago. I'm pretty sure it can't be delivered by ICBM.

Well, now I know living in the sticks has at least one benefit. However, I live within 20 miles of a uranium enrichment plant that would be a good target...

I'm toast regardless. Not only that, but I live within 30 miles of two nuclear facilities. Mushrooms would appear for sure.

Dead within two weeks, but if I'm at work, I wouldn't even see it coming.

its blocked here too. THe home computer has issues with it to, so I can't tell if I'd survive or not. Seeing as IL has the most nuclear power plants in the country it is highly unlikely.

^Two words for you: Clinton Station
What is with an intern? Wait...

Anyway, the site says I'd be alive through all of them, save a dinosaur ending meteor. And the skiing will be b!tching in the ensuing nuclear winter!

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Never saw it coming, even the cockroaches are dead. That's a relief because we are out of peanut butter.

I would live, but I am 1 tankful of gas from NYC, Albany NY, Binghamton NY, Scranton-Wilkesbarre PA, Elizabeth NJ. I think I would have a large amount of displaced, scared and hungry people knocking on my door.
