Workers Asked to Return Bonuses After 16 Years

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Employees can apply the money to vacation leave or make a cash payment
I'll take a $39k cut in vacation...

I wonder how many of the employees still work there. Imagine a guy out on the golf course after 5+ years of retirement getting a phone call.

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There has been a bank error in your favor!

Employees can apply the money to vacation leave or make a cash payment.
What about the people who have quit in the intervening 16 years? Are they going to send Large Louis to collect? Are they going to rape the estates of those who have died?

After 16 years, you just need to admit your mistake, and say "enjoy your winnings" to the employees. There has to be some sort of statute of limitations.

Assuming the bonuses were equally distributed (probably bad assumption), we're only talking about $217 here. I wouldn't fight it too hard if I felt my job were in jeopardy, but I sure as hell wouldn't take it lightly.

I saw this the other day on a different forum. Is this the next form of how companies will react to losing money, retroactive pay cuts?

I am sure there is a statute of limitations where the county won't be able to collect unless there is corruption in the legal system.

This is a perfect example of a news entity leaving out a lot of details and just running with a sensationalized "news" headline and abbreviated story.

What this story neglects to mention is these weren't technically "bonuses", this was a payroll anomaly that the county and the employees were aware of at the time it took place. Back in 1994 the county in question changed their pay cycles. The change resulted in one pay period being shortened from 14 days to 12 days. So as not to create any hardship on the employees the county decided at the time to pay everyone as if it were a 14 day pay period, effectively giving everyone a two days of pay bonus. The county had been recouping this bonus on employees at retirement. All the affected employees knew this was coming sooner or later. It really is a non-issue in my eyes. It's silly that it took 16 years to recoup this money.

I think it's retarded that it would create a huge hardship to have had people paid for just 12 days of work instead of 14 back in 1994, but I suppose in a culture where many people think it's alright to live paycheck to paycheck this could cause problems.

This is a perfect example of a news entity leaving out a lot of details and just running with a sensationalized "news" headline and abbreviated story.
*GASP* How dare you insinuate that the mainstream media doesn't give us the full, unadulterated truth in every story they write?

This is a perfect example of a news entity leaving out a lot of details and just running with a sensationalized "news" headline and abbreviated story.
*GASP* How dare you insinuate that the mainstream media doesn't give us the full, unadulterated truth in every story they write?
I don't think I insinuated anything, I'm pretty sure I came right out and said it.
