Will the grid hold?

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we hung out in the basement most of the weekend, had the ac on down there to 79 and it was actually cold, kept the main floor on 80 and the upstairs on 82 until we went to bed....didnt hear the normal groans of when the HVAC is trying to cool the upstairs to 77 like normal.. didnt figure that would be good for 3 straight days
We cranked the AC down to 72 so it'd hold the cool a little later in the day. Did pretty well...topped out at 78 degrees, but, man you could feel the heat coming down from the attic.

Columbia broke the all time record for Columbia Friday (109 vs old record of 107), backed it up with another 109 on Saturday, and posted a hottest ever in SC 113 at the USC campus.

We got to spend Saturday early evening at an OUTDOOR wedding. It was mid 90s before the heat index. Don't know why my cousin didn't move the ceremony inside. It's not like the little trelace thing was covered in flowers...its been so hot all the flowers were dead anyways.

No worries except maybe in Texas, where deregulation has led to a lack of investment in power plants and a potential shortage of capacity.

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We got to spend Saturday early evening at an OUTDOOR wedding. It was mid 90s before the heat index. Don't know why my cousin didn't move the ceremony inside. It's not like the little trelace thing was covered in flowers...its been so hot all the flowers were dead anyways.
I would have shown up to the reception. No way in hell I'm putting on a suit and sitting outside in 90+ degree heat.
