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New member
Nov 22, 2013
Reaction score
Up until the other day, I could view the postings on this site without logging in. Now I have to log in just to view them. I recall a similar change happening last year. What is the reason for this?

Its because of the high traffic load the site gets during test result time. If the traffic gets high enough, then it costs more to run. By limiting access to members only, the traffic is somewhat lower and Admin isn't hit with additional costs.

IIRC, if we go over a certain traffic quota, then Admin would have to pay for that traffic amount all year. Since this site only really gets hit hard during test release, Admin partially locks it down to prevent traffic issues twice a year.

Normal, guest type viewing will return in a couple weeks. Hang in there b

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Because Road Guy, who runs the site, gets charged by how many people are viewing, including guests. When results time hits, he has to pay extra. A way to limit the pain is to limit the number of lurkers. He doesn't get paid to run the site, so limiting his out of pocket costs seems reasonable.

Its because of the high traffic load the site gets during test result time. If the traffic gets high enough, then it costs more to run. By limiting access to members only, the traffic is somewhat lower and Admin isn't hit with additional costs. IIRC, if we go over a certain traffic quota, then Admin would have to pay for that traffic amount all year. Since this site only really gets hit hard during test release, Admin partially locks it down to prevent traffic issues twice a year. Normal, guest type viewing will return in a couple weeks. Hang in there b

Because Road Guy, who runs the site, gets charged by how many people are viewing, including guests. When results time hits, he has to pay extra. A way to limit the pain is to limit the number of lurkers. He doesn't get paid to run the site, so limiting his out of pocket costs seems reasonable.

'Nough said.

Greetings TMcK

Makes sense. Thank you all for the response. Has the admin of this site thought about Google Ads or additional banner ad service to help offset the costs? I see a few ads on this site for PE & FE test prep, but I guess those don't generate enough revenue.

Be careful with the suggestion of google ads. Its been tried and created lots of headaches. I think there was a thread on it at one point a few years ago, it may be gone by now.

For a while, every time anyone typed "google", the result was "googlesucks".

Ads are currently present for non subscribers. Subscribers don't see many (if any) ads and really help offset the site fees.
