Who was the worst President since the Depression

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who was it?

  • Hoover

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roosevelt

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Truman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eisenhower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Johnson

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Nixon

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Ford

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carter

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Reagan

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bush

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Barney aka Obama

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters
^^That's because 'corporate personhood' is a term thought up by the PTB on the left to confuse people who have no idea what corporate laws mean, but have a pre-disposition to hate business. usually, when I see that term, i just dismiss the person and don't waste my time discussing the issue.

I do the same when I hear 'wage gap.'


I understand corporate personhood. What I meant was I'm not sure what they're talling about with this "instant runoff process". Does this mean you number the candidates by prefernce and then apply some sort of of weighted addition formula or something to determine the winner? So, depending on how it's desinged, potentially nobody voring could get their first choice? And it doesn't matter if I support my #1 choice 98%, my number two choice 1.9%, and my third choice .1% - they just get numbererd 1,2 and 3.

I don't understand what the process refers to.

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Can we add Romney to this poll?

I'm sure he will be horrible, under the standard comment uttered for the last 15+ years: "this president sucks, the last president sucks, and the next one will probably suck too"

Probably can.

At times, this place appears hell bent on its own destruction. Or, more honestly, the politicians seem to be hell bent on emptying our pockets and ruining our lives.

How does anyone still have faith in our system of government? We have senators introducing legislation at this moment to reform the post office because they "require government funds to bail them out of insolvency." At the same time, those same legislators are milking the post office's coffers dry by making them pay retirement benefits for future employees that will probably never be hired. This has been researched and published numerous times, but our elected officials are happy to ignore the facts and blatantly lie to our faces. Forget ideals...forget how it is supposed to work. This system is broken.

I voted Nixon. It was a tough decision. The argument certainly could have been made for Clinton (lies), or Carter (ineffective).

George W. is a hard one to to decipher yet. The jury is still out on Iraq. I did not vote for George W the first time, only voted for him the 2nd time because Kerry was an empty suit. Did not agree with his decision to go into Iraq. In hindsight I believe history will prove him right on Iraq. I always laugh when people bring up the Weapons of Mass Destruction issue. Ok, we did not find them, but where exactly did they go? As of 1998 the international nuclear commission concluded they were in Iraq's possession. If Hussein really did destroy them he would have opened the windows for the world to see. But nothing. So, where did they go? You see how things are changing in the middle east with the downfall of the Egypt and Libyan dicatorships, pushback against the long held Syrian regime. Sure they are not exactly warm and open democracies yet but certainly a turn for the better. The middle east was a festering hornet's nest for years before Bush decided to take the spray to it. It will take time, but I believe he will be proved correct decades from now. And our generation will pay for it.


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Johnson was bad because he pursued the Vietnam conflict far longer than he should have in spite of massive protests against it. However I would say Ronald Reagan was the worst President since the Depression because he presided over the beginning of the economic decline of the U.S. that is still going on. The U.S. lost many manufacturing jobs including the engineering that went into them during his years in office. When those jobs go, they don't return. Other major mistakes he made were arming the Contras against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and calling them "freedom fighters" and training the Muhajideen against the Soviets in Afghanistan. The Contras were actually common thugs and terrorists and remnants of the Somoza family dictatorship trying to recapture their former fiefdom. Nothing good has happened in Afghanistan since the Soviets were kicked out thanks in part to the arms and training received by the Muhajideen (Taliban) from the U.S. Their tactics and training were later turned against the U.S. in the most recent war. Good job Ronald.

So... wait... Carter > Reagan? :huh:
I was to young to remember the Reagan presidency, but one legacy that I do know he left us with was the beginning of deficit spending. Every president before Reagan had reduced the federal debt accumulated from WWII, Since Reagan every president, except Clinton, has presided during an increase in debt. That's not a legacy I'd want.


^That analysis is just a little simplistic. Congress controls the spending and every budget Reagan proposed was DOA in Tip O'Neal's house.

^That analysis is just a little simplistic. Congress controls the spending and every budget Reagan proposed was DOA in Tip O'Neal's house.
It's simplistic, but it does show from a gross scale perspective that republicans have been deficit spenders.

It just doesn't seem to me that you can crow about being the party that will reign in government spending when your party has a clearly documented history of growing the deficit while simultaneously resource constraining government spend, namely domestic and social programs.

Just adding a little more fuel and ignition source for Sappers' earlier comments .... :)

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