Who was the worst President since the Depression

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who was it?

  • Hoover

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roosevelt

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Truman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eisenhower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Johnson

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Nixon

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Ford

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carter

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Reagan

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bush

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Barney aka Obama

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters
Congress has a 12% rating - abysmal, 5% lower than it ever was last year, and down a whopping 16% since the Tea Party started throwing it's weight around in March or so.
Yes, Congressional approval is at a historical low. It also seems to be one of the most worthless statistics around. I don't think Congressional approval averages above the 30%s, yet the vast majority of Congress members are always re-elected. Most people have some vague notion that they don't like politicians, which means congress. But they usually seem to think their Representative and Senators are okay.

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Most people have some vague notion that they don't like politicians, which means congress. But they usually seem to think their Representative and Senators are okay.
Oddly enough, I loathe one of my Senators, and think my congressman has been in there too long. Sadly, neither party can mount viable opposition to them, and I'm forced to vote for the lesser of two weevils (if I even get THAT choice).

Congress has a 12% rating - abysmal, 5% lower than it ever was last year, and down a whopping 16% since the Tea Party started throwing it's weight around in March or so.
Yes, Congressional approval is at a historical low. It also seems to be one of the most worthless statistics around. I don't think Congressional approval averages above the 30%s, yet the vast majority of Congress members are always re-elected. Most people have some vague notion that they don't like politicians, which means congress. But they usually seem to think their Representative and Senators are okay.
Well, in my defense, mine actually generally do an excellent job of representing me and my interests.

Peter Defazio & Ron Wyden.

For me it was certainly Carter. Many times people get caught up in what a president really is capable of doing. The fact of the matter is a president is a figure head. He makes speaches, he kisses babies, and he pushes the red button on the bomb. I know I may be over simplifying here, but it's for affect.

Since Obama isn't a selection, and he would be by far the worst if we could add him....The Carter years were the most embarrasing years to be an American that I can remember. He just wasn't a leader, his ideas were over the top, we appeared to the world to be a weak joke. The one thing I remember MOST about the early Reagan years was how he brought back PRIDE in America.....THAT'S what a president does.

Most of the laws and regulation that many people gripe about have little to do with the president, it's congress and the Senate that make those things happen.

Carter was pretty bad, and I well remember those years. It was pretty miserable. Plus he killed the neutron bomb, the supersonic version of the B-1 (probably a good thing because that POS AC was a hangar queen of a high and aggravated nature), gave away the Panama canal, and killed the breeder reactors.

But, you see how quickly the nation recovered from his missteps. we're still reeling from the unintended consequences of LBJ's and FDR's.

Carter was pretty bad, and I well remember those years. It was pretty miserable. Plus he killed the neutron bomb, the supersonic version of the B-1 (probably a good thing because that POS AC was a hangar queen of a high and aggravated nature), gave away the Panama canal, and killed the breeder reactors.
But, you see how quickly the nation recovered from his missteps. we're still reeling from the unintended consequences of LBJ's and FDR's.
I do think Carter deserved more credit than he got for his part in the Camp David accords. which I think were reasonably successful.

Carter was pretty bad, and I well remember those years. It was pretty miserable. Plus he killed the neutron bomb, the supersonic version of the B-1 (probably a good thing because that POS AC was a hangar queen of a high and aggravated nature), gave away the Panama canal, and killed the breeder reactors.
But, you see how quickly the nation recovered from his missteps. we're still reeling from the unintended consequences of LBJ's and FDR's.
I do think Carter deserved more credit than he got for his part in the Camp David accords. which I think were reasonably successful.
Yeah, that was overwhelmed in the news by all the news of domestic woes.

Yeah, that was overwhelmed in the news by all the news of domestic woes.
I'm trying to be charitable. Were those gas lines and alternate gas days under Carter? I hated that. When you're a partying youngster with little money it was easy to run out of gas.

Edit: I think that was Nixon now that I think about it. Sorry Jimmah

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I forgot about LBJ. I have a relic from his era from my grandpa when he worked for the Federal Government measuring cotton and peanut fields for quotas. Part of LBJ's gang would pay farmers to grow too much of the controlled crops in Oklahoma, and smuggle the goods into Texas to be sold as grown in hill country. My grandpa knocked one of his goons over the head with his 12 guage when they came to pressure my grandpa about changing records. Not many people have a bent shotgun that ties back to self defense from a crooked president's goons.

Who voted Kennedy? I'm curious because I remember my parents telling me that they thought if he hadn't been assassinated, he would have gone down as the worst President in history and wouldn't have gotten re-elected. I've always been curious about that.

They also believe LBJ was behind the assassination.

They also believe LBJ was behind the assassination.
So did Jackie O. Apparently J. Edgar had everybody in Washington DC wiretapped during his time at the FBI, and the Kennedy estate recently released some of the recordings made of Jackie Kennedy (Onassis). In some of them, she talks about LBJ being behind the assassination. Drudge also had a story posted about her thoughts on Martin Luther King.

^Says the woman with a PE-ness.
It's got to be at least two inches in diameter. It's an impressive PE-ness.

I have to admit that part of the reason I voted for Obama was so that the country could quit bitching about Bush.
That plan backfired. Its been all about Bush the last 3 years.
The record needle got stuck.

"I inherited this mess from my predecessor click...my predecessor click...my predecessor click...my predecessor click...my predecessor click..."

Who voted Kennedy? I'm curious because I remember my parents telling me that they thought if he hadn't been assassinated, he would have gone down as the worst President in history and wouldn't have gotten re-elected. I've always been curious about that.
They also believe LBJ was behind the assassination.
It might have been my grandmother from the grave. She attended the Nixon inauguration and thought Kennedy was awful. I don't remember her having a good word for any Kennedy, now that I think about it.

James K. Polk stated in his campaign that he was going to work to expand the country all the way to the Pacific. Manifest Destiny, I believe. He brought in Texas and Oregon Country. He accomplished this and several other campaign promises and did not run for a 2nd term because he had accomplished all of the goals of his presidency. In addition, one of his campaign promises was to only serve one term. Need more like him.

Not to mention the fact that he purchased the Oregon Territory from the British and built an independant treasury.
