Where did you see yourself....

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
...when you graduated HS?

I figured by 29, I'd be president of my own heavy equipment manufacturing firm.

I had grand plans to own a computer building/service company, so I majored in computer engineering. I graduated just after the big tech bubble burst, so there were no computer-related jobs to be had. That dramatically changed the course of my career. But I am now happily employed in an industry that I never knew existed until I landed the job about 2.5 years ago.

I was getting ready to start a degree in Chemical Engineering and use that as pre-med. My hope was to be a doctor, but not really sure which one at the time (although I was voted "Most likely to become a gyno for all the wrong reasons" by my fellow seniors).

In hindsight, I missed my calling as a plastic surgeon with an emphasis in breast augmentation...

I sure as hell wasn't planning on a career in nuclear power. I figured I would be somewhere in the defense industry right up until it tanked in late '89.

I sure as hell wasn't planning on a career in nuclear power. I figured I would be somewhere in the defense industry right up until it tanked in late '89.
I got into the silly service side of the DoD right before it tanked.

I planned on flying F-16's when I joined the Air Force out of HS, spent 4 years working on them instead (awesome) including 6 months in the sand(enjoyed that too), worked with factory Gen Dynamics engineers and figured I was smarter than they were so when I got the chance I got out and went back to school to be an engineer, thinking i would build fighter aircraft, but I worked for a utility full-time thru school and decided to stay when offered the opportunity...

^I had the same hopes until my sophomore year in high school. That's when I found out that being partially color blind, near sighted, and two tall for an ejection seat were all reasons that no armed service would teach me to fly.

Drunk. and then asleep.

Wasn't much of a prognosticator back then...

...still ain't

wow... I had wanted to join the Marines and make a career out of it. I did not want to go to college because I didn't know what I wanted out of life except to serve in the military since that is what I had planned for so long.

I was not 18 yet (and had a ways to go) and could not get parental consent to enlist so I went to college majoring in the thing I thought would piss my parents off the most thinking it would only be a year until they had no say. Three degrees and six jobs later, I'm not surprised that I married someone in the military and follow him around the country.

At least I made it past 30...

Planned on majoring / graduating in Zoology and go to med school to be a team doctor for professional sports teams.

I sure as hell wasn't planning on a career in nuclear power. I figured I would be somewhere in the defense industry right up until it tanked in late '89 building racecars even though there was never any money in it.
I thought that I was going to be a great college football player, get a big headstart on medical school with the NCAA funding it, and having a small, small chance of playing in the NFL. Didn't think that I would call it quits after 2.5 years of football, transfer schools, and rack up a decent amount of loans before I graduated. I wouldn't change it though, because I would have never met my wife if it I hadn't made those tough decisions.

ngnrd - PE said:
Professional beach bum. Hanging out with hot chicks on the sand, getting a tan, maybe making a few bucks as a lifeguard.
That's what I did while in college.
