State-level government here, we've been back to 50% in-office work since January. That's a minimum in-office time, though. We have so many vacancies that even if everyone was 100% in-office we would still be pretty sparse, so several of us just work in-office all the time now. I find that I am more effective at my job (division head) when I am here 100% of the time. Back when we were working from home I thought it was pretty efficient, and it was in terms of stuff that I can do on my own, and for meetings. It was perfect while I was on COVID incident management duties. But in my day job, having the perspective of being back in the office now, I think remote work has too many disadvantages. I'd say a solid 30% of my staff just can't handle it, and don't get any work done at all when working from home. Less than 30% seem to do pretty well with it, though. But the problem going forward is how to be "fair" in a way that would allow the good workers to continue WFH, but keep the irresponsible ones in the office.