What was your prom song?

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
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acquiring satelites...
I know, I know...I'm asking a bunch of guys to remember something about a dance.

We were out last night and I head Garth Brooks' "The Dance" which was our prom theme way back in 1995. I also seem to remember that our senior year was Boyz II Men's "It's So Hard, To Say Goodbye" and 9th grade was again Boyz II Men "End of the Road." That made me say, "What on earth do kids nowadays use for prom themes without Boyz II Men?"

So it made me wonder...what was your prom song?

Johnny Cougar "Hurt so Good"


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I didn't go to my senior prom, so I don't have a clue, and I don't remember what it was junior year. I do know that our senior song for graduation was Imagine by Lennon.

I missed junior prom because I was at National Mock Trial in Pittsburgh. My nerdiness didn't end at math and science.

I was co-prom-coordinator,

"When the lights go down in the city", Journey

My big hair didn't start at an interweb forum profile pic!

I will always remember my senior prom that's the time I won over my best girl and beat up that bully Biff Tanner at the fish under the sea dance

Got dumped a week before junior prom so didn't go to that one. Didn't have a date for senior prom and neither did any of my friends, so we all ditched it and went to Daytona Beach instead. I don't think I missed anything and I'm actually glad that girl dumped me, she had issues. Found out later she went with another dude and ended up pregnant. And no, there is absolutely no way it was mine, never went further than a kiss goodnight with her. Crazy to think that if she actually had the baby, I don't know if she did because we went to different schools in different cities and after she dumped me I never kept up with her anymore, but if she did have that baby he or she would be 18 years old now.

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That's crazy to me, too...the girls who had babies in high school have teenagers. I bet they give a wicked sex talk.

Unfortunately, I think statistics will prove that they don't give very convincing sex talks, since if I remember correctly, there is a higher probability that children of teenage parents will also become teenage parents themselves. I don't know, it's all quite sad.

A good friend of mine who was in the same home room with me for 4 years in HS, he got his girlfriend pregnant senior year, and long sad story but he got a RR job right after HS and there was an accident there and he died right after she was born..

When we had our 20 year reunion a few years ago his girlfriend brought their daughter to the reunion (who was 20) it was sad and kind of cool, she wanted her daughter to meet some of her dads friends and here stories about her dad since he had never met him..
