What was this movie?

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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This driving me nuts and my Google Sucks skills are failing me. Anyone remember this film?

I saw it in the 70s. it was a made for TV about some woman being chased by a kileer in a gold 67 or 68 Mustang fastback. At some point her car ran out of gas and she switched cars (in the rain, I thin) with someone. Seems like the killer killed a passerby along the road, too. In the end she stuck a rag in a pickup's gas tank and blew it up.

At some point, it was revealed that the killer had a trach and talked through one of those (really creepy at that time) voice things.

What was the title?

got me, but I'm sure I watched it at some point in my life.

Kind of a shot in the dark because I don't think very many board members were even alive when this movie came out...

I remember seeing it at some point (or a remake) and the name escapes me as well.

Mmmm...can't find any reference for that one....

the 1974 version of Gone in 60 Seconds had a gold modified 71 Mustang, but that doesn't match the plot description.

This link might have what you're looking for though:

Nah, it definitely wasn't Halicki's masterpeice. I'll have to look through that database, but it didn't show up in the Internet Movie car Database.
Did not expect you to find one. It was that or The Killer in the 67 or 68 Mustang.

what was the killer car/truck? did he have the mustang?

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The killer drove a gold 67 or 68 Mustang, and ended up switching cars with one the woman abandoned (IIRC) after the Mustang was blocked or damaged or something. Seems like it was night most of the chase and raining a good bit, too.

The killer was a Mexican looking guy, skinny, and you never heard him talk until a good way through the movie when he used that trach talker, which made him even creepier.

DK, Blown Up and The Killer don't even show up in the old 70s made for TV databases, some of which are suprisingly good.

I'm worried it may have a title that I'm not identifying with the movie because I can't remember the movie that well.

DK, Blown Up and The Killer don't even show up in the old 70s made for TV databases, some of which are suprisingly good.
No kidding. I just threw something to the mix trying to be funny but, as usual, did not work. Darn I have to work on my comedian skills.
I got it. . . I even 'liked' your post yesterday when I read it.

so you've never seen a movie that was made before you were born? You're missing a lot.
