What the F is wrong with people

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The obvious answer is they are loonies taking their anger out on other people.

At least this time the students weren't killed.

I wish that the resource officer for that school could have just shot the guy instead of him getting tackled. Anyone who starts shooting at kids like that doesn't deserve to spend his life in prison living off our tax money.

Kudos to the teachers who tackled the guy though. That took some serious guts.

The guy was a pretty shitty shot anyway. He shot 2 kids from point blank range with a hunting rifle and didn't kill either one of them. In fact, they might use that as a defense against attempted murder as his trial.

Is the guy some sort of native American or something? He has "Strong Eagle" in his name.

The guy was a pretty shitty shot anyway. He shot 2 kids from point blank range with a hunting rifle and didn't kill either one of them. In fact, they might use that as a defense against attempted murder as his trial.
Is the guy some sort of native American or something? He has "Strong Eagle" in his name.

Perhaps his tribe will rename him "Little Pussy".

I think this guy is going to get a death sentence anyway. If he spends any time in the general population of a prison, he will likely be shanked to death in short order. Say what you will about criminals, but they don't take too kindly to other criminals that commit crimes against children.
