Dexman PE PMP
Internationally PMP'n his PE-ness
I have an excel spreadsheet that has all of my accounts/loans/cards/etc calced out. I have my budget (checking acct) established through the end of the year (maintaining a 6-9month minimum look-ahead), while I have each of my cards forcasted out to payoff (September). I have tabs setup for each of my loans that show calc out exactly how much of each payment goes towards interest/principal on a payment-by-payment basis and they are each setup with the ability update in real time with the application extra money (including calcing out how much interest is saved). Right now all of my loan payments are rounded up so that I'm paying them off early as well as making the checking budget easier to forcast.We never spend any money and I stress out over the smallest purchases. :true:
And using the mortgage payoff spreadsheet, I can see how much interest I will NOT be paying due to my additional principal payments now. I never have been a "here and now" money man. I've always looked down the road for the biggest payoff.
This thing is the product of over 4 years of editing and tweaking, and if I lost it I would be financially screwed...