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Jun 15, 2010
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I thought th AM wasn't to bad, but the afternoon WR was more Environmental

than I expected.

Wahat did you think about both the AM and the PM exam?

I thought th AM wasn't to bad, but the afternoon WR was more Environmentalthan I expected.

Wahat did you think about both the AM and the PM exam?
You're right. That's how I feel too. Overall I didn't think the exam was too bad. Some afternoon questions just seemed too easy and others took 20 minutes to solve. I still finished early though. The am portion definitly seemed to lean toward structural. There really wasn't that many water questions on it.

I wish they would seperate water resouces and enviormential. If all of the PM portion was water resource, I could say without doubt that I passed. Some of the environmental topics are just way over my head.

I wish they would seperate water resouces and enviormential. If all of the PM portion was water resource, I could say without doubt that I passed. Some of the environmental topics are just way over my head.
Yeah they really are very different. Alot of the wastewater stuff was completely new to me during my studying; I hadn't encountered it in school or at work before.

I wish they would seperate water resouces and enviormential. If all of the PM portion was water resource, I could say without doubt that I passed. Some of the environmental topics are just way over my head.
When the water depth was by itself (i.e. no enviro), there were a substantial number of examinees selecting water, even though the examinees may have been in other fields, mainly because there are less equations and fewer topics in water resources by itself than other depth topics. Some parity between depth exams was necessary so that none of them were considered too easy, hence the addition of environmental.

I don't know many people who work in both water resources and environmental. It's usually one or the other. But until the test plan is expanded for either of those topics, it will be a water/enviro exam for a while.

I feel like I finally caught a break after taking the exam so many times.

There I was feeling lost as usual, when this sweet little old lady proctor took pity on me. She was drumming her fingers on the desk and I realized she was sending me a code!

she would tap out the problem number and then the answer, 1 for a, 2 for b, etc.

What was really amazing was that she managed this complex code while looking bored and occaisionally getting up to check random calculators.

With her help, I am certain I passed! I will get a raise when the boss hears I passed, I just put a down payment on a Chevy Volt! :party-smiley-048:

Seriously? You think they give the answers to the proctors? Or are they just so smart they did the calculations in their head? ha not the proctors at my test. I don't know which is dumber, you thinking she knew the answers or you posting that you cheated on the exam. I really hope this is a joke....

Seriously? You think they give the answers to the proctors? Or are they just so smart they did the calculations in their head? ha not the proctors at my test. I don't know which is dumber, you thinking she knew the answers or you posting that you cheated on the exam. I really hope this is a joke....
He's completely serious because the same thing happened to me! My proctor was a little sneakier though. If the answer was A, she would walk down the first aisle. If it was B, she'd walk down the second and so on. The sheer physical dedication that she had to helping me pass will never be forgotten.

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I passed state of VA first attempt. Thanks to all that gave me advice on this board. It was really helpful.


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