Well, it's Saturday afternoon...

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Master slacker

Something awesome.
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Da Bayou
... and I am DRUNK! I cleaned the garage today for htie first time since we moved in (2.5 years ago) and this garage was built in 1932. It was horrid and was practiaclly a storage shed for us. I battled and defeated many roaches, ants, and I think a manatee. Much dust and dirt was stired up and i threw away about 500 metric pounds worht of junk. But i am relatively victorious so I decided to celebrate by wathcing "Groundhog Day" and drinking screwdrivers with cheap vodka. I am awesome. You are awesome. We are collectively awesome. How was your Saturday and how awesome are you? :drunk:

Well, I didn't get drunk, but I had an awesome day. It was quite different from yours. I decided that I would go buy an outfit to wear to my daughter's graduation next Saturday. I needed something that would be comfortable for a few hours outside in NC and also had to consider that my hand is in a cast, so there are many shirts that I just can't put on. I called my MIL and she met me and helped me find a great outfit. After shopping, we went back to her house and spent several hours talking (and enjoying each other's company). So, I'm awesome. My MIL is awesome. :)

I did not get drunk, but I did pressure wash my deck today. Of course my pressure washer would not start. This is probably due to it being used for about 2 hours, 5 years ago, and then sitting in the garage since then untouched (well except to move it out of the way to get the snow blower). So tell me why a company like Craftsman would neglect to include a way to prime the engine on a pressure washer? Good thing the neighbor was home and he let me borrow his washer. Now if my hand would just stop vibrating! So, neighbor you are awesome. Deck, you are awesome.

I pressure washed my awesome front porch today, and plan on pressure washing my deck tomorrow.


My husband and I are celebrating 29 years of marriage this weekend. I have an awesome husband and an awesome marriage.

I spent all day replacing the front suspension on my brother in law's pickup truck after doing routine maintenance on my car.

Its 20 years old with 200K and with what appeared to be OEM parts. Existing suspension parts never let go unless given extreme duress which means yours truly was lying on a gravel driveway punishing them with a ball peen hammer, pickle fork and a pitman arm puller.

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yes, but isn't Knoxville awesome? I've been there the past three years for the DI tournanment and it's a great town!

You are correct, that double post is not awesome. :unsure: Now it would be awesome if I knew how it happened.

yes, but isn't Knoxville awesome? I've been there the past three years for the DI tournanment and it's a great town!
Knoxville isn't bad. The DI tournament was just a few days ago, wasn't it? Spring is a usually a real nice time around here.

Having a baby with Hand Foot and Mouth disease is NOT awesome. Not sleeping for 3 days b/c of said disease is NOT awesome. Praying that I sleep on my flight to Montreal this evening - well that's just hopeful.

Sick baby is very awful, not awesome. Hope baby gets well and all get some rest soon.

Having in-laws kids over for weekend, not awesome. Having wifey think I am husband and father of the year for suggesting having in-laws kids over for the weekend, awesome. Niece and nephew gone to grandparents, our kid down for nap and wifey and I having adult beverages, AWESOME!

Baby w/ hand, foot, mouth disease... yuck. Been there.... hope they are better soon!

My Saturday was so awesome that I did not log on to EB. Well, maybe briefly in the morning while I was setting up my new ASUS Eee PC "netbook". That thing is awesome. Considering the price and size, anyway.

I ended up running an awesome Hash House Harriers trail through the jungles and reef flats around and above Lau Lau Bay, Saipan. Cool ravines, bitchin' Japanese-era coastal guns, railroad beds and drainage systems, abandoned Korean eco-tourism parks, and a bonfire with cold beers and some very drunk new, young female Hash runners who thought it proper to show us their ... goods.


Saturday a.m. I went to the gym. It is an awesome gym, I must admit. I did an aqua aerobics and an aqua Pilates class, then my weight lifting program.

Sunday I made an awesome peach pie.

This HEC model I am working on for Eubanks Creek, however, is NOT awesome. It is tiresome !!

My Saturday was so awesome that I did not log on to EB. Well, maybe briefly in the morning while I was setting up my new ASUS Eee PC "netbook". That thing is awesome. Considering the price and size, anyway.
I ended up running an awesome Hash House Harriers trail through the jungles and reef flats around and above Lau Lau Bay, Saipan. Cool ravines, bitchin' Japanese-era coastal guns, railroad beds and drainage systems, abandoned Korean eco-tourism parks, and a bonfire with cold beers and some very drunk new, young female Hash runners who thought it proper to show us their ... goods.


Dleg: Which model did you get, and how good you'd do on the price? That's the one I'm looking at picking up.

My dad and brother came down to go fishing this weekend. I cleaned up the boat and tuned it up last week. Had a 12 pack of cold beers and good food in the cooler for our fishing trip, awesome. Was in the water by 6:30 AM, caught all my bait shrimp by 7:15, and got to my favorite fishing spot by 7:45 coinciding with low tide, awesome. Started drinking beers at 10:00, fished until 2:00 and caught 14 keepers, awesome. Fried them up for dinner Saturday night, awesome. Then woke up Sunday morning and had to drive to Manning for some thing with the in-laws, not awesome. Earned points with the wifey and cashed in on a sweet reward last night, awesome. Life doesn't get much better than this weekend.


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