Using the FE Exam Book For the PE

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Has anyone used the FE exam book with the PE? Anyone think it could be useful? Thanks!
I used it as one of my reference books for the PE exam. I found it very helpful to find general stuff such as moment of inertia formulas, equations for beam deflection, etc.

IMHO it seems like the info in the FE book would be too academic for the PE. not to mention all that is already in the MERM.

Has anyone used the FE exam book with the PE? Anyone think it could be useful? Thanks!
I used the FE Quick Reference for the Mechanical PE Exam and it was helpful to answer a few of the morning questions. I tabbed the FE Quick Reference with the same color subject tabs that I used for the Quickr Reference for the Mechanical PE exam.

Good luck!

Carlos Chapek, PE

I solved every problem on the last two exam attempts with the MERM with the exception of one or two problems that I can remember.

In working the six minute solutions and NCEES problems I made an index of all the references I used by chapter. Then I went back through them and when I finished I only used the MERM (>90%), Shigley (bearings and gears), Marks, Machinery Handbook, my College Statics book, and the Lineburg conversions book. I guess the point is the fewer books you use to work example problems the better as time is a big factor on this exam.
