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I know that I should know this, but i have to admit I don't know how the # thing works. I have assumed its something like if you put #bacon in your post anyone that "likes" or "follows" #bacon gets that message. Is that right?

I feel really old right now...

PS I don't and wont be twittering anytime soon.

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You don't want to join the millions of other Twats already on Twitter?

When you hashtag something (#bacon) it becomes a searchable link and will find all tweets with #bacon in it.

I only use Twitter for my side business. I can post advertisements and little tid bits of helpful info. I don't follow many feeds. But it is cool to follow some of my favorite actors/actresses and see what they are up to. But other than that, it really doesn't have much use IMO. And lately I've just not had time to even check it.


Never been to/on Twitter. Have no plans on ever doing so.

I have twitter, I basically use it to complain about work and to post about the Atlanta Braves, most of my followers and people I follow are Braves fans, its kinda cool that way. Plan to meet up at games and stuff like that.

I use it from time to time for news and updates on Lego, video games, etc. #toooldforthisshit #borninthe80s #getoffmylawn

Don't feel so bad. I'm 28 years younger than my boss. With all but one of my coworkers, the gap is even greater.

Road Guy, just follow some local beat writers to follow the Falcons. You won't be swamped with posts and the content is actually meaningful.

I'm a big fantasy football geek and I follow a bunch of FF writers. There's a really good group of football minds on twitter. I also follow weathermen. Very useful in the winter.
