Trying to Get an Electrical Permit

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati...just Cincinnati!
Well, we got our house sold but one of the things the buyers came back with after the inspection is getting the service line from the weather head to the box in the basement replaced. The house is old enough that it still has the cloth covered cable and supposedly their insurance won't cover it with that on there. My brother-in-law's uncle was an electrician and can do the work but I want to try and get the permit stuff taken care of so we can get this done ASAP.

I'm trying to fill their form out and the only thing I have left is section E2 (see attached). All we're doing is replacing the existing line. Is there something on the meter or our breaker box where I can get the info? There are three wires coming over to the house bare the other two insulated.

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Well, from your description, it's Overhead, 1 phase, 1 set, you can probably leave size blank, and there should be a main breaker/fuse in your panel that will give you the Amps. I assume you only have 1 meter (unless you have a legal apartment in the same dwelling), and the volts will be 120/240. You can probably safely leave the rest of the fields blank and still get your permit.

That must have been enough to make them happy...that or all they care about getting their $65...because I got my permit. It was late enough that they weren't going to process it until today so it should be here in the mail tomorrow.

Thanks for the help.

Don't worry about the 3 phase stuff. Per your description you do not have a 3 phase service. OH stands for overhead and UG stands for underground service. I don't know but it looks liek this is a Temporary permit for a construction. Is that what you wanna do? Service drops are usually #4 or #2 Cu. I'd say, if you house is old, #4 Cu @ 100 Amps.
