thinking about planning a hunting trip to Africa if anyone wants in?

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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LOL ( at this sign)

I'm not a fan of trophy hunting.

But I am amazed at how "outraged" people get over animals, when a lot of states don't even have serious child abuse laws in their own states, or let parents retain custody even after initial reports of abuse are instigated...

I find it a little ironic, after all, all that a Lion really does is kill things every day.. of course I don't think anyone eats a lion..


People don't stop to think prior to judging people now days. What did the guy do wrong? From what I heard, he trusted someone he paid to be his hunt guide and tried to have the experience of a lifetime. Now he will be harassed, and apparently on a global level, and his life will never be the same and chances are- the people pointing out his mistakes are only doing so because they feel guilty about whatever mistakes they have made in their lives and his seems much worse so it makes them feel better to focus on him.

I hate this world now days.

What happens in Africa doesn't stay in Africa I guess.........

People don't stop to think prior to judging people now days. What did the guy do wrong? From what I heard, he trusted someone he paid to be his hunt guide and tried to have the experience of a lifetime. Now he will be harassed, and apparently on a global level, and his life will never be the same and chances are- the people pointing out his mistakes are only doing so because they feel guilty about whatever mistakes they have made in their lives and his seems much worse so it makes them feel better to focus on him.

I hate this world now days.
social media at its finest. if this happened 10-15 years ago, which probably did, it wouldn't have been blown out proportion like this.

I saw a news story that said "foreigners" (not all American) come to Africa to kill over 800 lions a year, and this outrage over 1?

I like to hunt and fish but I don't hunt just for the sake of putting something on the wall. Rabbit and Gravy is hard to pass up at suppertime..

...but near silence over Planned Parenthoods atrocities committed on our own soil. Priorities are way out of line.

People don't stop to think prior to judging people now days. What did the guy do wrong? From what I heard, he trusted someone he paid to be his hunt guide and tried to have the experience of a lifetime. Now he will be harassed, and apparently on a global level, and his life will never be the same and chances are- the people pointing out his mistakes are only doing so because they feel guilty about whatever mistakes they have made in their lives and his seems much worse so it makes them feel better to focus on him.

I hate this world now days.
That, I think he got.

And another thing.... seriously, what? it's fine and dandy for them to preform the abortions but for them to sell the "by product" is when we get outraged? Were these women going to take the fetus and placenta home and bury it for gosh sakes? People don't want to think about the answers to those questions so of course they will focus on the lion more.

(I also want to note, I depended on PP for my doctors appointments for about 4 years nearly, so I know for a fact that they do provide medical services to women who don't qualify for welfare and don't have health insurance)

I'm proud of you guys.


I still miss my pup. It's been almost 1 year since we put him down. I still have dreams about him from time to time. And yes, Goodal's post get me teary eyed.

It is pretty ridiculous. I agree w/ EG on this and what I heard on the radio this morning. He paid for a guided hunting tour such that he would be within the area's local laws and regulations.

People kill other people every day. But it doesn't always seem to get this kind of reaction. <smh>

There wasn't this much outrage when the story was first reported. That was about a month ago? It was news, it wasn't headline news.

The outrage erupted when it was reported that the hunter involved was American (initially it was reported the hunter was Spanish) and when the details of the hunt emerged. It probably doesn't deserve the outrage that it's received, but the circumstances really don't paint a pretty picture.

I don't mind hunting, but I think trophy hunting is absurd and someone paying $50k to hunt a lion purely for the head and the skin is just asinine.

It is pretty ridiculous. I agree w/ EG on this and what I heard on the radio this morning. He paid for a guided hunting tour such that he would be within the area's local laws and regulations.

People kill other people every day. But it doesn't always seem to get this kind of reaction. <smh>

Are you telling me it's just a coincidence he went after an African lion?

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