Theta Tau

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My thermo prof was also my ChemE advisor. He said if I hated thermo, I would hate ChemE. Three weeks into the class I switched to Civil...


Me too! Until the upper level courses, but by then my GPA was shot.
My sophmore year really F'd my GPA. I almost failed out of school (to the point I had to sit in front of an advisory/review committee to appeal for financial aid to come back). Junior year I switched to civil. I ended up with a 3.0+ "major" GPA, but something like a 2.4 overall. If you only count my classes from Junior through graduation, I was somewhere in the 3.2-3.4 range.

I might have been it that?? Was it an Honors society? I got a T-Shirt and a coffee cup. My wife broke my coffee cup a couple of years ago.

Don't confuse this with Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honorary. I'm talking a beer drinking, party throwing actual fraternity.
I was Tau Beta Pi but it was a fluke. I transferred from community college. So I was a senior after one semester of engineering school. But then Tau Beta Pi only considered my grades at the university, which was just the one semester. So I joined quick before my second semester's grades posted.

I had a time with thermogodammits, but it was mainly because of the profs. I got a great one for Thermo III, and it made sense to me.
During our thermo class, the prof was denied tenure. So he announced as he handed out the final exam that nobody could get worse than a B if they finished the final. "I'm leaving here tomorrow morning. I don't want anybody here contacting me about grade appeals or anything else."
