Blame Fox.:bag: I downloaded chrome and that caused a whole other mess of issues
I wondered who would've noticed that.that's what I figured.Mostly drainage though
Back before your #3 was born and you posted the news video I smiled when I saw the downspout drainage setup around your house.
Damn. Droid you can long press and it gives option to copy/pasteIphone
I figured that was done by an homeowner and engineer. I have something similar going on and need to expand it this spring.I wondered who would've noticed that.that's what I figured.Mostly drainage though
Back before your #3 was born and you posted the news video I smiled when I saw the downspout drainage setup around your house.
I have to bury it under my drwy in order to get pos pitch and discharge it down slopeI figured that was done by an homeowner and engineer. I have something similar going on and need to expand it this spring.I wondered who would've noticed that.that's what I figured.Mostly drainage though
Back before your #3 was born and you posted the news video I smiled when I saw the downspout drainage setup around your house.